As many of you know, the Resource Team is in charge of creating a resource pack specific to our community every other month. With the recent addition of the writing portion of the team, I think it's important that we clarify what the Resource Team can do, as well as hear what the community would like to see from the different parts of the team.
As of now, here are the parts that make up the Resource Team:
With that said, what do you think of the various parts of the team? Should any of the roles be expanded or cut down? Should we consider having a new section of the team entirely? Feel free to discuss below!
As of now, here are the parts that make up the Resource Team:
The Plugin Team
Members: @LTN Games (leader), @eivl
The plugin team is in charge of creating unique and quality MV plugins for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create plugins themselves. The plugin team can provide resources such as: various plugins for games (most plugin types are fine).
The Music Team
Members: N/A
The music team is in charge of creating quality musical resources for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create music themselves. The music team can provide resources such as: various musical tracks (battle themes, title themes, etc.), ambient sounds, sound effects, dialogue (voice acting).
The Graphics Team
Members:@DarcHiro (leader), @Macro
The graphics team is in charge of creating quality visual resources for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create graphics themselves. The graphics team can provide resources such as: sprites, tiles, title screens, battlebacks, facesets, generator parts, etc.
The Writing Team
Members: @Micro (leader), @MinisterJay, @C. D. Cerda
The writing team is in charge of creating supplementary resources for the community, including guides to help users create stories, characters, quests, and more. The writing team can provide resources such as: character bios, story synopses, writing prompts, as well as various tutorials to help users come up with their own story assets.
Resource Team Leaders
Members: @LTN Games (plugin team), @Micro (writing team), @DarcHiro (graphics team)
These are the members in charge of each given section of the Resource Team. Their jobs are to look over applications for interested members, and accept or reject them based on whether or not the member meets the qualifications. As well, they help give members pointers as to how they can improve their resources in order to be accepted.
With that said, what do you think of the various parts of the team? Should any of the roles be expanded or cut down? Should we consider having a new section of the team entirely? Feel free to discuss below!
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