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Resource Team Roles - Brainstorming & Discussion


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
As many of you know, the Resource Team is in charge of creating a resource pack specific to our community every other month. With the recent addition of the writing portion of the team, I think it's important that we clarify what the Resource Team can do, as well as hear what the community would like to see from the different parts of the team.

As of now, here are the parts that make up the Resource Team:

The Plugin Team
Members: @LTN Games (leader), @eivl
The plugin team is in charge of creating unique and quality MV plugins for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create plugins themselves. The plugin team can provide resources such as: various plugins for games (most plugin types are fine).
The Music Team
Members: N/A
The music team is in charge of creating quality musical resources for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create music themselves. The music team can provide resources such as: various musical tracks (battle themes, title themes, etc.), ambient sounds, sound effects, dialogue (voice acting).
The Graphics Team
Members:@DarcHiro (leader), @Macro
The graphics team is in charge of creating quality visual resources for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create graphics themselves. The graphics team can provide resources such as: sprites, tiles, title screens, battlebacks, facesets, generator parts, etc.
The Writing Team
Members: @Micro (leader), @MinisterJay, @C. D. Cerda
The writing team is in charge of creating supplementary resources for the community, including guides to help users create stories, characters, quests, and more. The writing team can provide resources such as: character bios, story synopses, writing prompts, as well as various tutorials to help users come up with their own story assets.
Resource Team Leaders
Members: @LTN Games (plugin team), @Micro (writing team), @DarcHiro (graphics team)
These are the members in charge of each given section of the Resource Team. Their jobs are to look over applications for interested members, and accept or reject them based on whether or not the member meets the qualifications. As well, they help give members pointers as to how they can improve their resources in order to be accepted.

With that said, what do you think of the various parts of the team? Should any of the roles be expanded or cut down? Should we consider having a new section of the team entirely? Feel free to discuss below!
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
As of now, I think this structure is a good as it's gonna get. For the music team we could maybe also add "create ambiance sounds and noises" but those could be counted as sound effects too. I'm basing that off of the audio structuring of RPG Maker where you basically have BGM, ME and SE. The music team should be able to create assets for these three sections eventually. I say "eventually" because that would require a larger team size.
As for the voice clip part of the music team: I don't know how much sense it would make to accept voice actors into RT as of now (I'd say very little, actually) but I do think that we should consider doing something like that in the future since not every musician is suited as VA or wants to VA or doesn't have the voice to VA or whatever. But I think when it comes to editing then the music team members can do their parts. ^_^


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Kaimen: Ah, I put dialogue in on sort of the same basis as the guides in each section - they're a possibility in the future, but not necessarily something that can be expected as of now. I agree, though - voice acting would definitely be on more of a "We have musicians who happen to voice act" basis. :)

I added ambient sounds to the music section ^^


Dragon Goddess
Writing team sounds perfect. I think there are some additional tasks they could do if necessary, such as offering 1 on 1 assistance to help people develop their characters/stories rather than through a tutorial, if needed. Tutorials are still awesome, though.

Other than that, great idea making this thread. I'm sure we will come up with more suggestions in the future! It all depends on what the community thinks they need. Hopefully when more people start making some progress on their games, we'll see more resource requests from the growing RT. :)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I think one-on-one assistance from all of the teams would be great, if that's something that can be organized - maybe a sort of tutoring/workshop system that can be ran outside of the RT releases?

One-on-one assistance isn't quite something we can do in a release, so that's why it would need to be a little bit separate. :)


Dragon Goddess
I think one-on-one assistance from all of the teams would be great, if that's something that can be organized - maybe a sort of tutoring/workshop system that can be ran outside of the RT releases?

One-on-one assistance isn't quite something we can do in a release, so that's why it would need to be a little bit separate. :)
Yeah, that would be great! A special thread for that kind of thing, where people post what they need more personalized assistance with. But how would the RT distribute these tasks among themselves? I mean, how would they decide who helps who? I know this is a ways off, but it crossed my mind so I wanted to ask your thoughts.

I know. It was just a random idea and I didn't know where else to post it lol, I am sorry. I just didn't want to forget xD I know I learn better from talking to someone about my specific questions rather than reading a tutorial. I just can't do tutorials D: I get distracted too easily or something haha

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
I love the departments. I think tutorials would be GREAT! It's not that we necessarily know everything, but we could show what WE learned and help out others.



The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
As far as I'm concerned, people can ask me as much about music as they want anyway. But I agree that some sort of workshop outside of releases would be a good idea to show others the creative side of RPG Maker and maybe motivate them to start their own little art/music/writing career. It'd basically be extending the tutorials included in the packs to a forum topic. :)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Yeah, that would be great! A special thread for that kind of thing, where people post what they need more personalized assistance with. But how would the RT distribute these tasks among themselves? I mean, how would they decide who helps who? I know this is a ways off, but it crossed my mind so I wanted to ask your thoughts.

I know. It was just a random idea and I didn't know where else to post it lol, I am sorry. I just didn't want to forget xD I know I learn better from talking to someone about my specific questions rather than reading a tutorial. I just can't do tutorials D: I get distracted too easily or something haha
Sometimes random ideas are the best ones, so no worries! What we could do is have people on the team who specialize in certain areas volunteer to help with/tutor specific things. Using graphics as an example is easiest for me, so it could be...

- Amy tutors spriting/tile-making
- X person tutors drawing facesets/generator parts
- Y person tutors making logos/backgrounds

...and then you could send a message to whoever is tutoring what you need help with. We'd have to agree on a form/setup for that kind of topic, but I think it could really benefit the community. :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Ahhhh, YES! I would love to see the workshop in action, I think it's a wonderful idea and really unique. , I personally could do some tutoring but only enough to my knowledge in plugins, I could also do graphics design tutoring as well. Well, I still have to get myself organized for the RT in general so once I'm done with getting that all organized I will starting writing down my own thoughts to see how much I would be able to help out with the tutoring, should be fun though and I will definitely keep this in mind. Keep the ideas coming guys, I'm loving it so far (cool)

Bizarre Monkey

Writing team sounds like my sort of gig. Might apply for that soon.

Only place I may fall short is in coding and composing tutorials since I am a novice in those two fields, a novice at best.

What I do have is ten years of experience in game theory, game design and concepting, and my RPGmaker experience, while not as veteran or extensive as some, is impressive and I understand it better than how the back of my hand.

I'm also currently enrolled in an academic course about game design, game art and game theory. So I have some decent references.

I'm also pretty experienced as an artist and am one of the developers famous for being able to keep making regardless of ambition or personal resources at my disposal.

Also I love writing, so I could make fun, entertaining and easily readable tutorials.

Just need to figure out my times and Dr Biz will be right with you!

I think one-on-one assistance from all of the teams would be great, if that's something that can be organized - maybe a sort of tutoring/workshop system that can be ran outside of the RT releases?

One-on-one assistance isn't quite something we can do in a release, so that's why it would need to be a little bit separate. :)
I'd be up for that, too. Much as I may be a buttwipe sometimes, I get a feeling of warmth in my chest when I help out people successfully, I have been asked for help quite a bit in the past, I had some good tutorials up on I'll see about putting those up today as a good tribute to merit how willing I am to help out.
[doublepost=1452041288][/doublepost]You didn't ask or encourage me, but I did it anyway!

Doctor Biz delivers. And laughter is the only medicine he knows, laughter and knowledge, so much knowledge.

So here's the first of more to come! It's nothing exceptional, maybe I'm just holding out on you.

You suddenly come to the grave realization I am totally holding out on you.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get a tiny but sharp metal baby-torment device pushed deeply into my arm through an incision in the skin and have some of my life energy takeen away for the good ol' doktor!

(For those who are shivering in fear relax, it's just an exaggerated description for a blood test.)

I'm going to call blood tests metal vampire hate-dates from now on, yes! This is a great idea.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Golly goodness Biz! We're brainstorming here, not applying for the team! Or writing books. Whatever you're trying to do. xD

It's nice to see interest in this, though. I'm really appreciating the input, you guys! (heart)

*pulls questions out of a hat* Do you guys think there are any sorts of resources that aren't being covered in the RT that should be here? Or maybe we should have more than 5 members to a team? Or maybe we should release packs more/less often? Any other suggestions that my question hat hasn't supplied? :D

Bizarre Monkey

Golly goodness Biz! We're brainstorming here, not applying for the team! Or writing books. Whatever you're trying to do. xD
I'm just saying expect a gosh darn diddily dandily rootin tootin hoity toity god giggidy gosh PM from da Doctor soon, he's got your number and he ain't afraid to double-book.

Motherfucker stole my pencil.

It's nice to see interest in this, though. I'm really appreciating the input, you guys! (heart)
All good, I need the practice anyway and it'll be a while before Perihelion's writey thing takes off assuming it doesn't become vaporware by the time it's go time.

*pulls questions out of a hat*
Do you guys think there are any sorts of resources that aren't being covered in the RT that should be here? Or maybe we should have more than 5 members to a team? Or maybe we should release packs more/less often? Any other suggestions that my question hat hasn't supplied? :D
Five members is plenty for a single sect of creative make. Also I wouldn't stress too much about the packs, we've released more content than the assholes who are actively payed to do that so I think we're okay!

I can't think of anything to suggest at the current moment.


Writing Team can be behind wiki stuffs, approval of pages, moderation of content and quality control, etc.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I can't think of anything to suggest at the current moment.


Writing Team can be behind wiki stuffs, approval of pages, moderation of content and quality control, etc.
I think I gave this same speal in a different thread, but the writing portion of the team is basically going to be in charge of resources the same way the rest of the team members are, so they don't get overwhelmed with extra work. Wiki approval is still kind of at a toss up as to who's in charge/going to be in charge at the moment, but control of that will likely go to whoever takes charge of the site's wiki. It's worth posting here as a suggestion, though. :)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I agree - I think five is a good number for the teams, especially just starting out. It's even better if the five have different specialties, so there can be more variety in what gets released. (cute)

*cries in the graphics corner by herself*


Dragon Goddess
Another random idea: RT collabs -- let's say, writers make a story introduction/prologue/setting/whatever, graphics team makes some art/scenery to go along with it, music team creates an opening theme. (not sure what plugin team could add)

but yeah, just different combinations of the teams coming together to make something awesome seems like a cool idea!

Bizarre Monkey

*cries in the graphics corner by herself*
protip no i did not draw this im not that good yet shhh
Another random idea: RT collabs -- let's say, writers make a story introduction/prologue/setting/whatever, graphics team makes some art/scenery to go along with it, music team creates an opening theme. (not sure what plugin team could add)

but yeah, just different combinations of the teams coming together to make something awesome seems like a cool idea!
This is a good idea, and while a new thought in your head, it's not new in RPGmaker history.

If were still around, or if I could be bothered booting up Tor to get around the shallow and completely inane prevention methods sites use to keep me out, I could show you.


Dragon Goddess
This is a good idea, and while a new thought in your head, it's not new in RPGmaker history.

If were still around, or if I could be bothered booting up Tor to get around the shallow and completely inane prevention methods sites use to keep me out, I could show you.
But of course, my dear friend. it's tough (impossible?) to come up with an entirely new idea. I'm glad you also like the suggestion for RT collabs though. I'm pretty sure if all these skilled people teamed up, they could make some really cool stuff.

for me personally, I love the idea of collabs because it's much more fun making stuff if there are others involved as well. I like to see things that get more people involved--more awesome/unique ideas.

and why would anyone want to keep The Biz out? madness.

anyway uh....I'm out of RT ideas for now. *rolls away*


Local Hero
Could setup a plugin creation workshop online. Where users interested would get a simple plugin task and i would be available as a teacher of sort.