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What scripts would you like made?

I want to see a Turn Based Strategy battle system for Super Robot Wars style games instead of just Fire Emblem or FFT. Also, a Persona battle system (particularly 3 and 4 based, but 1 and 2 deserve love too).


1- Video battlebacks.
2- Multiple EXP
3- Dmg preview (when you are targeting a monster you will be able to see how much DMG the skill will do if conditions are met, ex: if v[10] = 15 or if you have a skill or a equipment, with options like: if the enemy will die he will recieve a X while targeted, blinking HP bars showing damage, etc....)
4- Advanced monster book. (a monster book for games that enemies are not that simple. With each enemy having 3 or more pages, showing all the stats, a long discription that can be changed in game with variables o whatever. All the weakness and a custom text for enemies that have custom weakness (like dies if recieves critical, predicable behavior, etc....), skills that you can select and see a detailed discription of it with also statistics of how frequently the enemy used it, statistics against that enemy (times killed, etc.), all the itens it drops with the ability to customize what will be showed in case you are using extra methods to drop items and the possibility to see a detailed discription of each item, and a unlockable test room)
5- custom bars for battle HUD (a plugin that let you create custom stats like Stamina and etc to use in battle easily, with also creating a bar or just putting the number in the battle for it)
Example:Actor/Class notetags:
<CustomStat: Stamina> //name of the stat
<Stamina Stat: min, max> // min and max values of the stat
<Stamina turn: 10> // will use a constant or variable to add to the value of the stat each turn.
<Stamina turn eval> // will only add the turn bonus if the conditions are met
<Bar Status: Stamina: 255, 255, 255, 25> // will create a bar for the status with the defined color and a icon
<Number Status: Stamina, 255, 255, 255, 25> // will create a number for the status with the desired collor and icon (25)

Skill/Item/Status notetag:
<Stat use: Stamina, 10> // will use the stat as a cost

Weapons/Armors notetags: allow to increase the max value of the stat, the regen rate and the cost of it in skills/itens/all

Plugin commands:
CustomStat.set(name, value)
CustonStat.VarSet(variable, stat) // associates the stat to a variable (for using on formulas and etc)
CustStat.setmax(name, value)
CustomStat.VarMaxSet(variable, value) //associates the max value of the stat to a variable

Options: Select position of the status (Bellow battler, above battler, right side of the battler, etc...), font and bars sizes.
etc.... etc.... etc....

6 - Enemies Formations: just like the actors, a plugin to give the enemies buffs related to the position they are. (for example: we have 4 Slimes, the one most close to the actors will have increased defence, hit rate and reduced attack, the one behind it will also have that, but with smaller numbers, and then the 2 at the back would recieve a debuff to the def and would become untargetable while the members at the front are alive )

7 - yanfly enemy AI for actors: with a in game menu to adjust it and set the automatic mode on and off and also with custom AI depending on the enemy (in case you don't like to select the same things everytime or you would like to control just one character)

8- region based vision (like making a wall using regions, you can't see the other side of it or the other side lose opacity)

9- Adjustable ability execution time for CTB or toggle habilities, (for you to be able to create bards for example that will use a skill and will play a music while the rest fight, and after he finished he will be able to move again for his next turn)
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Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
I'd like to see a platformer script (that can be turned off and on on the fly via events/script calls) as well as icy/no traction scripts, myself.


Somebody please correct me if this already exists, but a plugin that made it simple to have spells attached to pieces of equipment would be great. (That is, you equip the Fire Bangle and you can cast Fire; take it off and you lose the ability; equip the Ice Bangle instead and you can now cast Ice instead.) I know how to do this using common events, but it's tremendously clunky and time-consuming. A simpler method would be fantastic.


@Luninareph you can do that already. In the Armors/Weapons section, in that box where you can add effects and such, just click through the tabs and go to the section where you can add skills to it.

In the pictures below (There from VX ACE but in this case it's the same thing as in MV):
Picture 2.png
In this image the red part that's highlighted is where you're going to go in the armor/weapons tab. Just click on it and a box should appear
Picture 1.png
In this image you can see said tab, along with the skills box, just go to the skills section and click skill type, and as long as you have it equip you'll have said skill.

Hopefully this will help you.


@Luninareph you can do that already. In the Armors/Weapons section, in that box where you can add effects and such, just click through the tabs and go to the section where you can add skills to it.

In the pictures below (There from VX ACE but in this case it's the same thing as in MV):
View attachment 2164
In this image the red part that's highlighted is where you're going to go in the armor/weapons tab. Just click on it and a box should appear
View attachment 2163
In this image you can see said tab, along with the skills box, just go to the skills section and click skill type, and as long as you have it equip you'll have said skill.

Hopefully this will help you.
...For some reason I assumed that box would give you the skill permanently! Thank you so much for telling me about that!!! Oh man, my life just got so much easier XD;


I'd still like to see a Moving Platform -plugin, that creates event tiles that the player can stand on and move along with it.
VictorEngine had something of the sort in VX Ace, but I haven't been able to find anything similar in MV so far.


What about a port of RGSS1's Multiple Message Windows?

Back when i used RMXP, I was amazed with Multiple Message Windows, a RGSS script which let you to have more control of message system plus add the ability to make speech bubbles using simple Show Message commands.

The major features follows:

This custom message system adds numerous features on top of the default message system, the most notable being the ability to have multiple message windows open at once. The included features are mostly themed around turning messages into speech (and thought) bubbles, but default-style messages are of course still possible.

  • multiple message windows
  • speech bubbles
    • position over player/event (follows movement and scrolling)
    • optional message tail (for speech or thought bubbles)
    • can specify location relative to player/event (top, bottom, left, right)

thought bubbles
  • can use different windowskin, message tail and font color

  • letter-by-letter mode
    • variable speed (and delays)
    • skippable on button press
  • autoresize messages
  • player movement allowed during messages
    • if speaker moves offscreen, message closes (like Chrono Trigger)
  • everything also works during battle

   Local (specified in message itself and resets at message end)
  - \L = letter-by-letter mode toggle
  - \S[n] = set speed at which text appears in letter-by-letter mode
  - \D[n] = set delay (in frames) before next text appears
  - \P[n] = position message over event with id n
            * use n=0 for player
            * in battle, use n=a,b,c,d for actors (e.g. \P[a] for first actor)
              and n=1,...,n for enemies (e.g. \P[1] for first enemy)
              where order is actually the reverse of troop order (in database)
  - \P = position message over current event (default for floating messages)
  - \^ = message appears directly over its event
  - \v = message appears directly below its event
  - \< = message appears directly to the left of its event
  - \> = message appears directly to the right of its event
  - \B = bold text
  - \I = italic text
  - \! = message autoclose
  - \? = wait for user input before continuing
  - \+ = make message appear at same time as preceding one
         * note: must be at the start of message to work
  - \@ = thought bubble
  - \N[en] = display name of enemy with id n (note the "e")
  - \MAP = display the name of the current map

  These are, of course, in addition to the default options:
  - \Var[n] = display value of variable n (note change from \V[n])
  - \N[n] = display name of actor with id n
  - \C[n] = change colour
  - \G = display gold window
  - \\ = show the '\' character

   Global (specified below or by Call Script and persist until changed)
  - message.move_during = true/false
    * allow/disallow player to move during messages
  - message.show_pause = true/false
    * show/hide "waiting for player" pause graphic
  - message.autocenter = true/false
    * enable/disable automatically centering text within messages

  Speech/thought bubble related:
  - message.resize = true/false
    * enable/disable automatic resizing of messages (only as big as necessary)
  - message.floating = true/false
    * enable/disable positioning messages above current event by default
      (i.e. equivalent to including \P in every message)
  - message.location = TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT or RIGHT
    * set default location for floating messages relative to their event
  - message.show_tail = true/false
    * show/hide message tail for speech/thought bubbles

  Letter-by-letter related:
  - message.letter_by_letter = true/false
    * enable/disable letter-by-letter mode (globally)
  - message.text_speed = 0-20
    * set speed at which text appears in letter-by-letter mode (globally)
  - message.skippable = true/false
    * allow/disallow player to skip to end of message with button press

  - message.font_name = font
    * set font to use for text
  - message.font_size = size
    * set size of text  (default 22)
  - message.font_color = color
    * set color of regular text (same 0-7 as for \C[n])
  - message.font_color_thought = color
    * set color of text used in thought bubbles (same 0-7 as for \C[n])

Thanks to XRXS for the self-close wait for input functionality, Slipknot for a convenient approach to altering settings in-game and SephirothSpawn for (reliable!) bitmap rotate method.

A demo, other info and etc are disponible in the author's Github.

Additionally, would be nice if the port carry an additional feature: The ability to choose an hex color to show the message (like \hc[#FCFCFC], with or without '#'.

I know Iavra Event Popup can do speech bubbles, but i think MMW is more friendly and powerful to do these things.
@vico I think Yanfly's Gab Window may be able to do that (or something very close). I've not tested it properly, but with the RMVXA version I used it could be done with a bit of tweaking. I don't think this one has speech bubbles, though. (By the way, I remember that script and it was overused in my projects! Haha!)

RK DracoRoy

Can a script like this be possible for battles? It's a Fire Emblem-styled battle.

Speed Stat Info
Actor 1 has 50 Speed (AGI)
Enemy 1 has 70 Speed (AGI)

Actor's Turn
-Actor 1 attacks Enemy 1 with one hit, due to lower speed.
-Enemy 1 either dodges or takes the hit.
-Enemy 1 attacks Actor with two hits, due to higher speed.

Enemy's Turn
-Enemy 1 attacks Actor 1.
-Actor 1 either dodges or takes the hit.
-Enemy 1 attacks Actor 1 again, due to higher speed.

Watch this Fire Emblem: Binding Blade video and you'll see what I mean.

If a script like this (for battles, nothing more) was made. I would be really satisfied.


I'll mention my ideas over here too.

  • Script which adds multiplayer support. (at least 4 people) (both LAN and over net would be awesome, but either would be nice).
  • Script which grants ability to tie into the monetization and ad systems for android and iphone ports of games.
  • +1 for animated battler backgounds, and/or...
  • playing a movie file in general.
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