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Personality Quizzes


Studious Dark Lord
INFP - The "Dreamer"
INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginative, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.

Sounds like me


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What D&D character? Well... seems that I'm a "Lawful Good Human Bard (Level 3)". Seems like I'm a very just and honest person that likes to accompany the heroes on their quests. Looks like I'm also more of a "negotiator, messenger, scout, or spy". Interesting...

And for Pokémon... c'mon, really?!

I know I care about others but does that really have to mean that I'm a Blissey...?! XD

Edit: Oh and for anyone interested, I'm an ISFP. Or at least was one when I did that test two years ago. XD

Update: Did the test again and got INTP. So, same as @Amysaurus. XD
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Dragon Goddess
Lol Bard. I knew you were a Bard, Kaimen! xD

that Pokemon test was pretty bad IMO, if I find a better one I'll post it here haha


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Lol Bard. I knew you were a Bard, Kaimen! xD
Just because I'm a composer? Puh-lease. XD
And yes, that Pokémon test was crap. Maybe I should've only gone for the answers that had spelling and/or grammar errors in them.
... Oh, I forgot. Multiple answers weren't allowed. :D


Studious Dark Lord
You are a Ludicolo. You just want to have a good time with life. You brighten everyones day as you walk by them. You are carefree, and are happy constantly.

[doublepost=1451346591,1451346567][/doublepost]I love me as a pokemon


Dragon Goddess
Gonna take your new Pokemon quiz, Amy! will edit with results

@Kaimen omg another Shadow Hearts player :D


You're Mewtwo! You're introspective, deeply intellectual and have a curiosity for knowledge. When there's a trivia game involved, all your friends want to be on your team.

I guess that's I don't think I'm "deeply" intellectual though, but I do like learning new things (mostly at work)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
@Kaimen omg another Shadow Hearts player :D
Dude, I played the crap out of Covenant back in the day when I got it. Same with From the New World. Only the first Shadow Hearts has eluded me thus far. Fun fact: I actually bought Covenant because I liked the girl on the cover. Karin... (love)

Anyway... that Pokémon quiz.

I can live with that. I'm freaking adorable anyway. :D
Also... *highfives @meowchelle*


Studious Dark Lord
I found another good Pokémon quiz. c:

You're my favorite pokemon!

You're Jigglypuff! You're mind-numbingly adorable and just a tad obsessed with celebrities. You love social media (gotta get that #brand up), the arts and being creative. You dream of being a star -- actually, you already are one (DUH). All the haters will be lining up for your autograph one day -- you just have to make it out of the karaoke lounge first.
I took it twice, and got this......... are you kidding me? I mean I like singing, but still.........