Indie Dev

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I'm Doing It... Ask Me Anything

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hmm, what does LTN stand for in your username?
I never noticed this question. Okay so here it goes, LTN = Lose The Name, may be strange but I've come to really like the LTN instead of the full name, LTN seems to roll off the tongue really easy lol.
what's your favorite genre of music?
I never pick favorites, I'm open to all music genres, if the song has lyrics which have meaning, then I love it. If the song has lyrics about, money, bitches, cars, drugs then I hate it. If it's a song with no lyrics and easy listening then I'm all for it, if the beat is catchy of course. Over my lifetime though I have swayed more to upbeat, hip-hop, pop style beats, but once again if the lyrics suck then it's in the trash lol.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Do you have a favorite band or singer (forget about it, cunechan. It won't be coldplay anyway(cry))?
I bet you'd love Casper if you knew german. Very very poetic rapper it's like art how he uses words.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Do you have a favorite band or singer (forget about it, cunechan. It won't be coldplay anyway(cry))?
Again no faves lol, but I do like Coldplay, I have listened to them quite often when I was in high school as well as Alexisonfire and rage against the machine. I've seen Alexisonfire at a concert, was quite epic actually my first and only concert ever lol. If I had to pick and played the favorites game, then I would choose Disturbed, when I was younger I listened to them a lot, but their newest album blows my mind away with the lyrics. For example this song lol


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Video isn't available here (cry) i hate GEMA but however I'll check it out anyway. My sister used to love Disturbed~
Music is a really important thing, isn't it ?(heart)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Music is a really important thing, isn't it ?(heart)
Yes! Music is extremely important, it's why it's one of the most popular things. Some people may not notice it but you can't watch a tv show, a commercial or a movie without music. When you go into nature you here the rhythm of nature, when you go into silence(something not many do) you hear your own internal music playing, why do you think they call all the important parts of the human body, Organs?, the heart beat makes a natural bass sound usually the note Fa, which is what I call the heart note. I could go on and on, I swear I can be a philosopher lol.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I could go on and on, I swear I can be a philosopher lol.
Me too. Music is a kind of expression, living and theres so much to interpret and it's just a part of it. I love to interpret things though. I just started my laptop for this reply bc I'm too stupid to make quotes on the mobile version. Cant imagine how deaf people live without music or sounds and what they imagine it to be like...?

Whatever (snicker) What do you want to make after Sock Quest ? (I hope therell be a second part even though i didn't play it yet (cry))

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yup, music is truly amazing and helps open minds to all kinds of things.

What do you want to make after Sock Quest ? (I hope therell be a second part even though i didn't play it yet (cry))
After Sock Quest, I would like to continue making the game I originally had planned when picking up Rpg maker, it was a modern game about conspiracy theories and stuff, but I started making other games to gain experience before doing so.
As for a second part to sock quest, I'm not 100% sure, it all depends how well the first Sock Quest turns out, If the story feels accomplished I may leave it all behind, if users want more, well I may give you more.Also If you want to be a beta tester for Sock Quest, let me know and I'll be sure to send you a link when I have enough playable game worth being beta tested, technically I do have enough game time but I want to finish a bit more first. Either way let me know :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
You can count me in as betatester (joyful) I collected many experiences the last months in beta testing. And I'll stop now bc I'm going a bit offtopic (wink) Just pm me if you have enough playable content and if you're ready~