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Running out of Plugin Ideas

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
I have the will and energy to read, research and make plugins, but no idea at my head in the moment. It would also be a good part to practice what I already know via JavaScript. In this case, we also see that most plugins we want are already in there, mostly from Weather System to Images, to anything and all of that.

May I ask for your ideas of which plugin is new to make? Probably those that deals with GUI, etc.


Local Hero
Find a way to change wearable clothes, armor, weapons etc. I am not thinking about changing to a already pre drawn sprite, i am thinking about actual generating a sprite in memory from what you are wearing. You would start with a semi nude model of your char and every gear would have a note that tells the game what to wear.
I have done some testing, i have a complete "change to a new sprite" when changing gear in place, but i feel like it is so limiting.
Any thoughts on this would be nice!

A GUI for book reading, with images and text, arrows to go to the next page.

Skill tree GUI, like a reverse version of Galvs Shards plugin, in stead of having the skill on a shard, you unlock the skill with Currency, like Yanflys JP currency. I have kinda mapped the logic of this on paper, but have not started on anything yet.

RPGMakerWeb guys have just found the memory leak issue i talked about in October, find a fix for it before they do ;)
ImageManager.clear is never called and prototypal chains are not redirected to something unused so it is not being garbage collected.

Fog of war that remembers where you have been on the map.

These are the ideas i am working on at the moment, please jump on anything ;)
You can use already existing ideas and make them better, or add or take away features etc. For example, a questlog that is simpler or more complex than an existing one.

Personally, I would like better options for on-map battles, like action battle systems without the clunkiness of preexisting systems from Ace.


Towns Guard
Hello, sorry if this isn't the right place to suggest this idea (i'm a little new to seriously using RM software and barely understand plugins) but I've had the idea of incorporating a live events system into a game. for instance, adding weekly quests, live tournaments or holiday/seasonal characters/themes... Does it at least sound like I'm pitching a reasonable idea?


Towns Guard
How about a... Exp Rebalancer. Allowing you to change how much EXP you get per battle depending on your partys average level.


I'm having a problem with using battlers as enemy iin big maps. If you do a plugin to help me with that i would be gratefull. With static images the event works fine, but if you try you animate the image it will move together with the screen until it finish the animation (even if you don't select to wait until it finish), that is because it uses screen coordenates :(

Another idea would be a EXP everything plugin. Where you can notetag a actor with the type of exp you want him to have, and then you notetag or create a plugin call in what gives exp to it and create a menu to it, Example:
Class/Actor notetag:
<EXP type: NameOfTheExp> ex: <EXP Type: Fire Affinity>

<EXP Curve: NameOfTheExp>
curve formula
</EXP Curve: NameOfTheExp>

ex: <EXP Curve: Fire Affinity>
100 + 10 * level
</EXP Curve: Fire Affinity>

<EXP event reward: NameOfTheEXP>
common event that will be called everytime you lvl up that exp type
</EXP event reward: NameOfTheEXP>

Item/Skill/Status/Weapon/Armor/etc.. notetag:

<EXP GiveOnUse: ExpName>
formular or constant
</EXP GiveOnUse: ExpName>

<EXP eval: ExpName>
conditions that must be met to give exp on use
</EXP eval: ExpName>

Plugin calls:
GameEXP.setValue (value, ExpName)
GameEXP.addValue (value,ExpName)
GameEXP.Variable (variable, ExpName) // assings current exp to a game variable
GameEXPLevel.Variable (variable. ExpName) // assings current level of the exp to a variable

And a menu to show all those custom EXP would be really nice.
I have many other ideas, but the post would be too big, so tell me if you liked this or not plz :)
EDIT: Also a option to Hide the normal game level and exp would be nice
If you wouldn't mind helping me out, i would like a plug in that adds or reduces percentage damage based on stats, for example, if you attack for 10% damage, and you have 10 defence adding 10% you would end up dealing 11%, the enemy has 20 def, reducing it by 20% he now takes 8.8% damage
I wouldn't mind some more comprehensive ones in PIXI, specifically animated effects. I've been playing around with PIXI quite extensively but there are certain things I still don't "get".


How about a simple display window that shows the name of the dungeon followed by a variable to keep track of what basement/floor you're on? Since the standard format for floor designation changes based on either floors or basements have a switch to determine to display in either floor format or basement format, like this: 1F, 2F, 3F or B1, B2, B3.

For example: Ancient Cave: B78 or Infinity Tower: 48F

Seems really simple to do but can't be done by default in the editor & no one has helped me yet on either or
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how about incorporating some D&D rolls into the games formula system? and make the dice visible whenever the rolls happen.

or how about making a comic like bauble for talking instead of of the regular bottom/middle/top window?
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Towns Guard
How abt a plugin that "also shows the visual gauges of MP and TP" like similar to Yan*** visual HP gauges but customizable by imgs , like your plugins? To add some functional flare (both enemies and actors)


Towns Guard
Hello everybody,

from theory I would have a lot of ideas for plugins , but I 'm not a programmer. I also have no idea if all this is possible to do. For example I would love to use in my game some kind of mission book that showing what main missions are and what side missions an also if they are finisht or not. So the player has a better overview of everything. This is now true gegacht rather Personally for my game but it may also be interest others.


Towns Guard
Hello everybody,

from theory I would have a lot of ideas for plugins , but I 'm not a programmer. I also have no idea if all this is possible to do. For example I would love to use in my game some kind of mission book that showing what main missions are and what side missions an also if they are finisht or not. So the player has a better overview of everything. This is now true gegacht rather Personally for my game but it may also be interest others.
Though I am also no programmer I totally agree with you. I think its a good contribution to share ideas to create an even bigger variety of plugins!


Staff member
Hi @Soul . First, thanks for having contributed almost 30% of our forum's plugins.

@Neotheny , I just logged all of the plugins, in the Wiki, and saw a few that you might be interested in. One converts damage to 1st edition D&D weapon damage. I use different sided die for a variety of my games, the latest using 4-sided die.


Towns Guard
I have the will and energy to read, research and make plugins, but no idea at my head in the moment. It would also be a good part to practice what I already know via JavaScript. In this case, we also see that most plugins we want are already in there, mostly from Weather System to Images, to anything and all of that.

May I ask for your ideas of which plugin is new to make? Probably those that deals with GUI, etc.
Maybe an action battle system that looks a little bit like this? I wasn't able to find one atm.



Towns Guard
That's a nice idea , but why not so changed that some battles have an ATB system and others has a roundbaset one? This makes for more fun in the game and it is also something completely new , as far as I know.