I love boxes. Boxes are pretty. They make me feel at home and comfortable. Especially cardboard ones. My love for boxes knows no bounds and I'm always ready to be shipped. Never, ever doubt my love for boxes. Or grapes. Did I mention grapes? GRAPES FOR EVERYONE!Okay, I've gotta know.
How do you REALLY feel about boxes?
I've definitely not always been good with creating music, no-ho sir. Unfortuately, my oldest creations (or "abominations" rather) got lost somewhere in the depths of my old computer's hard drive. And that hard drive went corrupt at one point, so... yeah, no chance there. The oldest works I have are I think about two years old and can be found here. Tracks one through eight are my oldes ones you can find. :DHave you always been good with creating music? Do you have any really old music we could listen to?
Ahh too bad I never got to hear your abominations oh well. I listened to a few of your older tracks the 2 year old ones, and these are still good, but I can feel the difference between your newest and these ones. I like your music a lot, so keep at it :)The oldest works I have are I think about two years old and can be found here.
Oh, that's a tough one. I'd rather meet a fictional character than a celebrity. To be quite honest, I don't care about celebrities at all. If I had to choose though, I think it might be either one of my favourite composers or... Goethe. Let's stick with that. :DWhich celebrity would you most like to meet, dead or alive?
Even better! ^^I'd rather meet a fictional character
Before you ask which one, let me ninja you and tell you that I'd have to think about that for a loooooooooong time. However, there is one character that came to mind rather spontaneously, and that would be Seth Balmore from Lost Odyssey. She's one of my favourtite characters of all time and... well... you might say I have a little crush on her. :PEven better! ^^
I can see why. <3you might say I have a little crush on her. :P
Oh, it's not just looks, mind you. I'm not that superficial. :DI can see why. <3
What can I say... The size of her sword makes me fall in love with her. o///oOh, it's not just looks, mind you. I'm not that superficial. :D
Don't you dare! She's mine! *u*What can I say... The size of her sword makes me fall in love with her. o///o
I don't really have a favourite music software. For composing I use FL Studio as well as Logic Pro pretty much evenly. I've become used to both and don't prefer one or the other.What's your favourite music software, and are you great at looping musics like the video game musics? :D
For already existing tracks I do use Audacity. It's just that most of my songs are composed in a way so they loop from end to start though, so I don't need to do any further editing. :PAlways good to be able to use many simultaneously when one doesn't have the feature the others have. I didn't know your softwares could edit the Looping. I thought we had to use Audacity 2.0 for that hahaha
I guess we learn everyday :D
Oh! I see now. Thanks for the explaination ^^For already existing tracks I do use Audacity. It's just that most of my songs are composed in a way so they loop from end to start though, so I don't need to do any further editing. :P
Hm... not sure how to answer that since, well, technically "かいめん" is my real name. It's basically just my last name translated into Japanese. And before you go on and shoot it into Google translator, keep in mind that you'd need to translate it to German and not English to get the best result. ;)Is your real name Kaimen? if not, what is your real name? ^_^