Indie Dev

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This is definitely not to get my account to 100% completion or anything. (lol) I like to design the maps and the characters mainly. Anything else, I can do but will be of lesser quality.


Staff member
Hi @Amari , and welcome to the forums. What kind of maps do you do, the ones used with RTP and the RPG Maker MV Map Editor or do you like to make your own and use them as parallax?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Gotta say, @Amari, I really like your profile picture. I imagine that was your face when you saw that account completion thingy, huh? :D
Anyway, welcome to the forums where there's no "envy" only "MV". Hope you're gonna have an awesome time! ^_^


Praised Adventurer
Welcome to the forum!

I know what you mean about the 100%, that green box really is ugly, isn't it? Well, now that it's gone the next step will be to get to know people and start posting. =)

I hope to see you around!