Indie Dev

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Yo Pandas! and Hello World! ^^


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hey can I draw characters for your game too ouo ? I'd be HONORED, seriously this would be awesome~ Anyways I can still help you with a lot of stuff if you need anything XD
I used to be productive with rpg maker last year and then when the new school year started (I came in E-phase/year11) I barely had no time when coming from school. Now I'mma lazy azz (girly)

Seriously it would be awesome if we three could work together on your game(cool)


Towns Guard

Welcome to the Forums ^^ I hope you enjoy it here ^^
Im 14 years old too and from Germany,too
So many Germans here now ^^ We could make an own Group...
I wish i could do Sprites and Graphics for myself, but im really bad at it, trust me ^^
The only 2 Things i can is a little bit of JavaScript so i can write more complicated Skills and Mapping.
Im hoping i can do some PlugIns for you in the coming Months, but rightnow im learning.



Towns Guard
@Khayalan omg you want to do plugins for me? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME >w< no matter if theyre bad or good i would love to use them ^^
i need to make a skype group now for everyone that wants to help me ^^ i really look forward to make many games with you and have fun <3 @Khayalan @Cunechan @Eien Nanashi
I think that would be fun ^^
Im going to make PlugIns for my own Game, thats why i started learning JavaScript ^^
But im going to release them here for anyone, and if somebody wants a specific PlugIn, just ask and i will look into that :)



@Khayalan awesome ^^ we can help each other out >w< i can do pictures/sprites for you and you explain to me how some hard plugins work
[doublepost=1455207449,1455206374][/doublepost]@Cunechan @Eien Nanashi May i make a skype group with you two so we can talk and send stuff about the game? >w< i never thought of two awesome girls helping me or someone helping me. tahts so wonderfull of you >w< THANKIES :3


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Dawww XD I'm not the person who'd flip her hair and be like "bitch please" whatever XD Yeah, you can just make a group and add me. This'll be fun ouo Sorry for replying late btw, I'm always kinda late


Sounds like things just got livlier, nice having you here Panda. Maybe I should get Skype...maybe.. It's such a bothersome little app, with its little pesky updates.


@Macro THANKIES >w< yas skype is a lil app with its lil features like calling persons . Its an basic, almost everyone has it :3 you should get it too,its fun talking to internet friends ^-^