Indie Dev

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Yo Pandas! and Hello World! ^^


Hello Pandas! I'm new here , Im an random 14 year old boy called Julien. I like playing games, making games, breakdancing,playing basketball and making stuff like pictures, sprites etc.
I'm looking forward to upload some stuff. Im a newcomer in the Rpg maker universe so don't expect professional stuff from me ^^. I'm here to grow and get some awesome help from great Pandas! \(^_^)/ if you have any wishes for content please tell me then. I will try to make my best and get better by every thing I do. Have a nice day. :3



Praised Adventurer
Welcome to the forum, @Julien!

It's okay that you don't have much experience with RPG Maker, you gotta start some time, right? It's great that you're so enthusiastic about joining us and being an active member of our little community. I wish every new member was more like you. =)
I'm looking forward to seeing what resources you bring to the site. Remember, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, we're here to help.

I hope to see you around!


@Akod Thank you so much! I will try to do my best in refreshing the community with some stuff. I will have a lot of questions xD but I'm happy to see some people that are looking forward to help and are as nice as you! Tysm! Stay awesome. :3



Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Hi Julien! Welcome to the community (cheeky)

I've been using RPG Maker for a while now, and a lot of times I still feel like a beginner myself lol! As long as you're doing your best, we'll be happy to see any game or resource you can come up with. As far as content-wishing goes.... mmmm... I can't come up with too much at the moment. I think you might just have to surprise us! (smile)


Thank you @Amysaurus I wish there would be more nice people like you two on the endless mysterious internet ^^
I'm at the beginning of an game called: "The adventure of magic" I need to make some pictures for it and maybe I'm sharing them ^^ anyway thanks for being so nice to me. :3
Stay awesome!



The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
*has finally his ability to see back after staring at that red OP for too long*
Okay, now I can finally write my little welcome message. So, hey @Pl4yingP4nda, welcome to the forum where there's no "envy" only "MV". I'm curious to see what you can come up with and never mind not being "professional" - by definition that just means that you get paid to do something, i.e. it's your "profession". :P


Staff member
Hi @Pl4yingP4nda . You really caught my attention with all that red. No need to worry, we are all at different levels, and are all improving. The resources here appear to be growing by the day, and there are a variety of tutorials, as well as others that specialize in different areas. Welcome to the forums.


@Kaimen @MinisterJay @Macro tysm!
Im happy to finally join this community.
I already found awesome content I look forward to use in my games. I hope I can get great feedback when it's my turn to upload content. :3 now I don't mind if it's bad or good all it matters is helping other people with your stuff. :3


Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow

You're 14? Darn, someone finally beat me at age. ;~; (I'm 15 since last December) You make pictures and sprites? I wanna see :3
I'm trying to improve too, myself. XD Indeed you just have to do things and you'll get better at it.
Looking forward to seeing your content!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hey and welcome to the forums @Pl4yingP4nda ~ lol I'm 15 and from Germany too(cool) So glad that you've come here, I hope we'll have a lot of fun together with you in the community(jolly) I'm looking forward to seeing some of your pixelart and pics ouo I'm still improving myself so don't worry too much bout it. Stay awesome panda~


Tysm! @Cunechan your from germany too? AWESOME >w< I working on some starting pictures (game start screen) for free use ^^ im looking forward to help alot of people ^^ But anyway, tell me what do you do mylady? Games? Or tilesets? Or maybe something else?

Stay awesome!


Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
@Pl4yingP4nda What do I do? I procrastinate. :3
Jokes aside, I do. Procrastinate.

Ahem. I mean, I kinda draw and make pixel art, too. I'm also still "improving". Or not improving. Who knows. XD You can check out my art thread but there's not much to see there due to me being lazy.

I also do make games but I haven't really made anything recently. I should make a small one and put it in here on the forums.

It seems that your birthday is in December too! mine's Dec. 6.
@Cunechan is a few months older than me so... she's our Onee-chan. :P
And @Amysaurus is our dinosaur overlord.


@Eien Nanashi your birthday is in December? AWESOME ^^ That means your starsign must be Sagittarius too >w< I really like using art in my games so may I use some of yours? Please say yes *-* anyway eien~chan stay awesome! :3



∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I like drawing and creating pixel art and rarely even tiles but meh. I also love writing and mapping <3 I'm making a few games with a friend but it takes soo long since we're both struggling with school stress. Sometimes i do nothing. Please don't end up like me XD Onee-chan is watching you~ ewe

Actually we're all @Amysaurus underlings

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
This is my 100th post. Hurray!
@Pl4yingP4nda I dunno how you can use my existing works in a game, but I may as well draw art just for your game (e.g. your characters or whatever). So, sure! XD

Don't end up like me either, sometimes I do nothing even though I have all the free time (all day everyday basically, I don't go to school. I'm not on vacation. :3) to do everything yet I don't do anything. Stay awesome? Stay productive, I say. XD

And yes, we are all Amy's underlings. Praise @Amysaurus, ruler of hell. (devilish)


@Cunechan I will make my game and my pictures/sprites, I know shool is so stressfull but i want to make games too so ima make em HURRAY >w<

@Eien Nanashi you would do that for me? *w* that would be so awesome \(^_^)/ i will make my stuff now, i was like you two , shool took over of me and then i was to lazy but now i will still work on my stuff YAY >w< that would be so awesome if you could draw some of the cahracters in my game ^^ (and i use my characters for like every game i make xD )

stay awesome and productive you two! <3
