I've been making websites since 2009, and throughout the 7 years I feel I've gotten pretty good at it. When I'm bored I can make a website and have it set up and ready to launch by that day if I know exactly what I want. Throughout the years I've completely mastered Forum's, Blogs, Static Pages (Regular Websites). I'm an expert with two major forum softwares, MyBB (Free) and Xenforo (Paid), and I've dabbled in IPB (Paid) and PhpBB (Free). For Blog's I've only used WordPress, and I'm extremely efficient in it. I can have a WordPress site up and running the same day in most cases. Static sites I use WordPress as well, WordPress is & the forum software I listed are the best when it comes to websites/blogs/forums as it allows me to create the website and then transfer all ownership over to you quite easily.
Current Websites:
http://Xyphien.com [Static Website]
https://RMMV.co (This site) [forum]
http://gamehandout.com GameHandout [forum]
https://www.webmaster.college [forum]
https://RaiseGamer.com [crowdfunding site]
https://VRMMO.co [Blog/News website]
http://VRGamingNews.com [Blog/News Website]
http://OverwatchSpotlight.com [Community Sharing]
For all of my site visit Xyphien.com
Previous Websites (Can't List them all as I forgot most of them):
and a few accountant.com (A business I started up a few years ago that I sold)
If I remember anymore I'll add them.
Prices will vary based on request.
General Pricing:
Xenforo License: $140
MyBB: Free
Xenforo: Free
Free theme: Free
Pre-made Paid Theme: $20-50
Custom Theme: $100-250
Domain name: Average of around $12 a year (Will be transferred to your account on NameCheap)
Hosting through HawkHost: $50 a year (10gb disk space) - $110 a year (Unlimited) (Will be created using another account and will give all information of the account after purchase.
000WebHost: Free (Really frequent down times)
SSL: $15 a year (using HawkHost) [https]
After PMing me, I will send you an approximate price of what it will cost you. This will take into consideration the type of software you'd like, the type of theme, style, etc. how long I think it will take me, the amount of effort/work I'd need to put into making it, etc. You are required to pay the setup fee's of the site prior to the project being starter, with you covering the paypal fee's. After it's up I will tell you the final price. This often times will change based on how much it went as planned. If I experienced lots of errors, had lots of changes to it, etc. the price will go up. However, if everything went smoothly, and nothing went wrong and I was able to make it faster and easier than anticipated the price will go down.
Once both parties have agreed with the price, the full price of the purchase must be sent to me prior to making the transfer. ALL payments will be used via Paypal, this way both parties will feel safer during the transaction.
If you'd like a website, forum, or blog for anything such as for your game PM me the following:
[doublepost=1463060705,1459203651][/doublepost]Just a little bump if anyone is interested :) Just an FYI I can make a website for your game for pretty cheap if money is tight. I think the lowest I can charge is around $30, however with this your site might have a lot of unexplained downtimes, however it will still look pretty good nonetheless :)
Current Websites:
http://Xyphien.com [Static Website]
https://RMMV.co (This site) [forum]
http://gamehandout.com GameHandout [forum]
https://www.webmaster.college [forum]
https://RaiseGamer.com [crowdfunding site]
https://VRMMO.co [Blog/News website]
http://VRGamingNews.com [Blog/News Website]
http://OverwatchSpotlight.com [Community Sharing]
For all of my site visit Xyphien.com
Previous Websites (Can't List them all as I forgot most of them):
and a few accountant.com (A business I started up a few years ago that I sold)
If I remember anymore I'll add them.
Prices will vary based on request.
General Pricing:
Xenforo License: $140
MyBB: Free
Xenforo: Free
Free theme: Free
Pre-made Paid Theme: $20-50
Custom Theme: $100-250
Domain name: Average of around $12 a year (Will be transferred to your account on NameCheap)
Hosting through HawkHost: $50 a year (10gb disk space) - $110 a year (Unlimited) (Will be created using another account and will give all information of the account after purchase.
000WebHost: Free (Really frequent down times)
SSL: $15 a year (using HawkHost) [https]
After PMing me, I will send you an approximate price of what it will cost you. This will take into consideration the type of software you'd like, the type of theme, style, etc. how long I think it will take me, the amount of effort/work I'd need to put into making it, etc. You are required to pay the setup fee's of the site prior to the project being starter, with you covering the paypal fee's. After it's up I will tell you the final price. This often times will change based on how much it went as planned. If I experienced lots of errors, had lots of changes to it, etc. the price will go up. However, if everything went smoothly, and nothing went wrong and I was able to make it faster and easier than anticipated the price will go down.
Once both parties have agreed with the price, the full price of the purchase must be sent to me prior to making the transfer. ALL payments will be used via Paypal, this way both parties will feel safer during the transaction.
If you'd like a website, forum, or blog for anything such as for your game PM me the following:
[b]Type of Website[/b]: (Forum, blog, static website)
[b]Software you want[/b]: (
[b]Type of Theme[/b]: (Free, Pre-Made Paid, Custom)
[b]Theme Color Scheme[/b]: (White/Blue, Black/Red, etc.)
[b]Full theme complete description[/b]: (ONLY IF CUSTOM THEME)
[b]Additional Purchases[/b]:(SSL, Premium Hosting[$110 a year], etc.)
[b]Website Name[/b]:
[b]Website Information[/b]: (Genre, what is it about, what would you like it to have, etc.)
[b]Topics [Forum Only][/b]: (FORUM ONLY. What topics would you like? See RMMV.co homepage for topics)
[b]Categories[Blog Only][/b]: (BLOG ONLY. What categories would you like?)