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"Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event


Staff member
If the song is copyrighted, you cannot use it without the song owner's permission. If the song is part of a DLC you bought, you can use them in your games. If the song came from SoundCloud or a similar sight, you must follow the instructions and rules they have.


Towns Guard
If the song is copyrighted, you cannot use it without the song owner's permission. If the song is part of a DLC you bought, you can use them in your games. If the song came from SoundCloud or a similar sight, you must follow the instructions and rules they have.
So when i ask some artist for permission i can use his songs. Yes?


Hey everyone! Just a little more than two days left until the event is over! I wish the best for everyone still planning to enter a game since I know this month has been quite busy for a number of people, myself included.

Good luck y'all!


Hello again everyone! Less than 5 hours left until the event is over!

Here is a notice for all who plan to enter: this deadline refers to when prizes will no longer be given to further applicants. Submissions given in late will not receive prizes, but may possibly be played in a stream happening some time later. Further details about said stream will be given at a later time either tomorrow or the day after.

With that said, good luck everyone!!!


Staff member
There were those that said yes. They said yes, they could make a submission for this contest, if they had a month to do it. The month has passed, and oddly the one person who said a month for any contest was too long was the only person to submit in time. I remember when the numbers voted. Four voted yes, to 'Interested in a "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" event?', and two voted no. What happened to these four people? A whole month to try to make the worst RPG Maker game. Geesh. Again, what happened to these four people?


Praised Adventurer
Sorry I couldn't put something together. No feeble excuses from me; I'm just hoping that 2017 may be a better time/place for creations.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I really really really love trash games, it's my passion. But school is eating me and I barely even have free time and I want to help my friend finish our demo till next year. I still have the idea fully planned out and might get to make a short trash game around Christmas, sorry again but I really couldn't make anything.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
This was gonna be my moment to shine - I can't make a game worth anything! Between final projects, exams, and commissions it just wasn't gonna happen, though. (aww)


Resident Dragon
I think a lot of people, particularly those younger people, may have been swamped with pre-Christmas exams, whether they be in school, college, uni, etc.

In any case, it is disappointing to see only one entry.


Towns Guard
I think a lot of people, particularly those younger people, may have been swamped with pre-Christmas exams, whether they be in school, college, uni, etc.

In any case, it is disappointing to see only one entry.
I didn't knowed about this one. But i try join to next one. Send me message if you make challenge and need entry! I try to join. (puppy eyes)


Hello again everyone. I'm terribly sorry for being away for so long.

Even though there was only one entry, I am glad to have hosted this event and hope to host another one in the somewhat-near future. There shall be no stream sadly, but I do hope to have some plans for other videos/streams in the future as well. The art prize for the participant should be done within the next week or two and shall be posted once finished.

Thank you everyone and I hope you all enjoyed this event while it lasted.


Staff member
There shall be no stream sadly
That makes sense. The reason why I made my entry the way it was, to show an example of false advertisement. I showed all kinds of features and enemies that were not available within game play, in faked screenshots and descriptions. I had even a worse idea to incorporate in the game, but I changed my mind. I was going to fill the files with about 400 megs of unused images, making it look like a larger game. I them remembered that some members may be like me, and have limited monthly internet bandwidth usage


Towns Guard
That makes sense. The reason why I made my entry the way it was, to show an example of false advertisement. I showed all kinds of features and enemies that were not available within game play, in faked screenshots and descriptions. I had even a worse idea to incorporate in the game, but I changed my mind. I was going to fill the files with about 400 megs of unused images, making it look like a larger game. I them remembered that some members may be like me, and have limited monthly internet bandwidth usage
Well i don't have data count limit but have somtimes very slow internet. :|