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Worst Game Ever Event?

Interested in a "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" event?

  • Total voters


After being inspired by the recent Halloween contest as well as the visual novel Atashi no Riri, which was made for a "worst visual novel ever" contest, I wish to host a Worst RPG Maker Game Ever event!

In one month, people, either individual or in teams, will have to create a game that is the epitome of awful and terrible to play, a contest to see who can make the worst rpg maker game ever. Any rpg maker engine, any genre, just make it bad. 2-year-old's MS Paint-esque graphics? Cool with that! Nonsensical plot and eventing? Very welcomed! Ear-breaking voice acting? Most definitely accepted! Both self-conscious bad or just plain bad are perfectly fine. This event is not like a contest in which there are winnable prizes and spots to win (first place, second, etc...). Instead this event is to help people learn and play around with the RPG Maker software as well as know what NOT to do when making a game.

If a good amount of people are interested, then I'll go ahead and make an official post for official dates and for people to say they're willing to take part. Also, if people would like, another thread can be made once games begin to submitted where, if you say you would like to receive public critique, your game will be linked to the beginning post and other members can post their thoughts and opinions on your "extremely award-worthy" creation.


I like this idea. It promotes creativity. Now the funniest glitch i ever saw, has to go to elder scrolls. I found and ogre in the woods and he swung his club at my follower. She shot up like a rocket then hit the ground and walked a way unharmed. I on the other hand did not fare so well in the end i died. rofl


Yep, I want people to be able to embrace tons of ideas which would usually be off-limits if they were trying to make an actually good game.
The only glitch I can remember isn't too bad. A roaming enemy in Yo-kai Watch was spawned outside the area it was supposed to be in (on the outside of this railing or fence) and fell off the map into the oblivion/abyss below before spawning back where it was supposed to be.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I would so be a part of this and I would totally draw all my own tiles and or paint brushed art, since I suck at all of that, heck I'd even do my own sprites. @DolorIpsum when you want to get things organized just message me on Discord and I'll help you set things up, and we can make it offical.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Wait... The worst game ever would be one using RTP right? ;)
Not at all, you can make completely custom graphics the worst you ever could :D Aside from that you could have terrible music and terrible animations, whatever your choice. What our goal is, is to make RTP look even worst :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Now your encouraging others to work on there worst skills. Way to go hun.
Which is why I find it such a great idea, it will give newbs a chance to be a part of something without worrying about how good it looks. Lots of experience can be learned this way and it gives me a chance to work on things I would otherwise ignore in any other event.


Yes, everyone must explore the ultimate worst in themselves!

I'm glad to see some people already taking an interest in this idea. I hope that this will be a fun event for creators to participate in as well as a nice learning experience for everyone. @LTN Games, I'll be sure to message you soon. Thank you very much for offering assistance.
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Staff member
Not at all, you can make completely custom graphics the worst you ever could :D Aside from that you could have terrible music and terrible animations, whatever your choice. What our goal is, is to make RTP look even worst :)
It was a tongue in cheek remark. lol. I was trying to convey that RTP was worse than the worse of the worse custom graphics or music. That is what happens when I try to use sarcasm. ;)

Reply edited. Thanks. :)
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I like this idea, there´s never enough events. I voted yes, but then deleted my cast.
I think I´ll continue working on my current project instead.
May be I would win with it hahaha, but I think I will not participate.


So much for having a neutral based poll. Some people have voted yet, and you go and tell that some have already voted no. This poll is being biasedly nullified by your comments.
I'm terribly sorry about that. I didn't mean for it to be taken that way. I'll remove that comment now and make my post more neutral in its wording.


Staff member
@DolorIpsum . Thanks for the edit. You can speak Pro-"The side you support.". There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I prefer not seeing anything about current poll results nor slightly negative things about the votes/voters on the other side.


I see the point you're getting at. I suppose I was trying to go for something with that comment that ended up taken in the wrong light.