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Wiki and what happened with it

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This new wiki looks really good and how I imagine a wiki to be, it looks like it far overpowers the old one with the new features, I hope to be able to finally add in important information, like script calls and basics for MV. My original plans with the old wiki was to have all my documentation for my plugins organized in the wiki as well as a general F.A.Q for MV(which I have been working on behind the scenes). Basically my general use for the wiki would be to fill it with important and basic RMMV information. As I said though I'm happy with or without it as I can always find alternatives to achieve what I'm looking to do.


Staff member
Resource Team
I'm glad you all are liking how the new one will look. However, we're still only a 1/6th of the way there for donations. If you are able to donate any amount of money to it'd help us out immensly with getting the new wiki up and running.

Once again, I'm sorry to EVERYONE who participated in the old wiki that will have to re-upload any content.