Indie Dev

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When do you open up your forums?


Staff member
Resource Team
When do you feel it is time to open up your forums? Some people tend to open them the same day they make it, others like to get some starting content up, so when do you open it up, and how successful has that been to you?
I open the forums the same day and try to get a few content posted just to make it feel less empty. Like I will post an announcements regards what is the board about so users can understand the forum is about. Also suggestions letting users know their feedback is helpful for the forum.


Staff member
Resource Team
I open the forums the same day and try to get a few content posted just to make it feel less empty. Like I will post an announcements regards what is the board about so users can understand the forum is about. Also suggestions letting users know their feedback is helpful for the forum.
How does that go over for you? I don't think I've ever actually opened up the forum same day without a lot of content, and posting packages, etc. I tend to try and have at least 100 messages before promotion.
How does that go over for you? I don't think I've ever actually opened up the forum same day without a lot of content, and posting packages, etc. I tend to try and have at least 100 messages before promotion.
Well its goes ok for the forum users do post questions in the suggestions more though.


Global Moderator
Mine took at least a week before I opened, but that's because I kept having issues getting used to the FTP server and whatnot. First I just didn't know how it worked, but then the different kinds of style sheets made it hard to find a way to get my banner on and so on and so forth. But, once I had a couple topics per area and had the things I wanted prepared finished, it was time to open up the doors.


Staff member
Resource Team
I want everything to be near completed and perfect as far as that's possible. Usually takes a month.
That's a good goal to be honest. Though do you ever feel discouraged when you spend all that time and once opened not a lot of people visit? I can see that being a bigger hit than if you open it after getting the basic functions completed.
That's a good goal to be honest. Though do you ever feel discouraged when you spend all that time and once opened not a lot of people visit? I can see that being a bigger hit than if you open it after getting the basic functions completed.
Don't know, never had someone not join after I put a forum online.