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What's in a name? (Character names, that is)

Different sounds and meanings are, in my opinion, core in creating fictional names (not "real" names, such as Jeff, Chris, or Jane). Meaning that the phonics of names are extremely important. Riot Games is a good example of the proper use of phonics. Their character "Rengar" provides a near perfect picture of their character without even needing to see them, it just sounds savage, much like the character himself. Another example would be Lux. Her name is light (pun sorry), perky, and has meaning (it is a measurement of illumination). When deciding to have a meaning for a character's name, if you so decide to include one in their name, you could look at another language's meaning of some core aspect/theme of your character. (i.e. a brave character could include the latin root for "courageous", which I believe is...coraticum? So, you could name the character "Coravar", "Corbella", etc.)

So, in short, I think that the most important aspects of naming a character are: 1. The phonics of their name (how it sounds), and (but not as vital or mandatory as 1) 2. The meaning of the name, if you so decide to have one.


Towns Guard
I look mostly in ancient legends and myths by Name suggestions, but I keep always in mind how my character should look like, but also of what race he or she is. However, I try to always bring the personality in the Names. But Should I have for that matter no success, then I cheate a nickname which the corresponding elemnt I could not bring in the as some Kind of background for this nickname.