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What Makes You Smile?


Dragon Goddess
I don't think there is a thread like this yet? Hopefully not... lol

Anyway, the purpose of this thread is to:
-Discuss what makes you smile. It can be something small, or something that really makes your day.
-Tell us about something that made you smile today.

What makes me smile?

well... lately, playing this game called Norn9 and reading the cute things my favorite character says. that makes me smile every time!

other than that, my little lovebird Sprite always makes me smile. he is so cute and cuddly and adorable~ it's impossible not to smile when I'm playing with him!

writing also makes me smile, although it's more of an inward smile. When I create something with my emotions and my imagination, it just feels really good.

talking to @Macro is another thing that always makes me smile. we are super close and it's always fun talking together about... well, anything that's on my mind! It makes me happy that there is one person out there I can talk to about anything. I always learn new stuff when we talk, and Macro is always the first person to cheer me up if I'm feeling down and always the first person to challenge me if I'm stuck on a negative way of thinking.

I never feel truly alone, since I know Macro is always looking out for me and supporting me. :)

hanging out with my mom makes me smile too. we're really close, and I love going out shopping with her. we can always make jokes about random stuff or just talk about memories... just being with her makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^_^ (unless she's in a bad mood. then I run away and hide!! hehehehe)

there are of course other things that make me smile, but I don't wanna keep this going forever lol.

What made me smile today?
I got myself a vanilla frosty from Wendy's and it was delicious. I had been craving something sweet so I really enjoyed it a lot~ ALSO, my best friend said she would draw Sakuya for me ^_____^

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that my friend and I came up with a meme for my favorite character materializing cups of water and dumping them on mean people. now he's been saying it all the time today and it's making me laugh way too loudly! (snicker)

How about you guys!? Don't be shyyy~

Bizarre Monkey

Well, it's my birthday today, and nothing makes me smile like waking up to a sea of alerts on skype seeing people cheer me on on my special day.

The members of the CCC threw me a sort of party, I was happy enough to write a sappy speech.
[5:24:33 PM] Bizarre Monkey: over three years we've known each other guys
[5:24:41 PM] Bizarre Monkey: pretty cool, huh?
[5:24:45 PM] Bizarre Monkey: we met late in 2012
[5:24:55 PM] Bizarre Monkey: shortly after i was banished from rmplebs
[5:25:26 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i came back to omega-dev after i'd had a brief indenture
[5:25:32 PM] Bizarre Monkey: we'd spoken before in 2011
[5:25:38 PM] Bizarre Monkey: where i was greeted warmly
[5:25:50 PM] Bizarre Monkey: so i figured, you guys were the last place to go
[5:26:00 PM] Bizarre Monkey: shattered after the great calamity
[5:26:13 PM] Bizarre Monkey: RMwebs a corporate toilet soured by officiality
[5:26:24 PM] Bizarre Monkey: rmrk and hbgames teetering the brink of collapse
[5:26:32 PM] Bizarre Monkey: the RRR empire dissolved to dust
[5:26:39 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you guys were it
[5:26:43 PM] Bizarre Monkey: the final comfort
[5:26:51 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and it'd be the only one i'd find i'd need
[5:27:11 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you know its funny, looking back
[5:27:28 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i made an intro thread on that new site
[5:27:37 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and got even more response than i did my first
[5:27:43 PM] Bizarre Monkey: of all the forums i went to
[5:27:54 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you guys are the only ones who'd accept me for who i was
[5:28:16 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i knew then
[5:28:32 PM] Bizarre Monkey: after canaleth, after rmwebs, you guys were the friends i needed all along
[5:28:51 PM] Bizarre Monkey: people unafraid to tell me that i was being a dick, but still happy to be friends, even at my worst
[5:28:55 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you believed in me
[5:29:01 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and because of that
[5:29:08 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i regained the belief in myself
[5:29:23 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you showed me that i should seek to improve if only i wanted to
[5:29:36 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you didn't try to adjust me or make me a better person
[5:29:59 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and through that, i was able to stop fighting improvement out of spite
[5:30:13 PM] Bizarre Monkey: move on and enjoy improving to a new future
[5:30:26 PM] Bizarre Monkey: from 2011, and before, until early 2012
[5:30:31 PM] Bizarre Monkey: is was a shit artist
[5:30:40 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and at best an average writer
[5:30:55 PM] Bizarre Monkey: but because you guys believed in me, i chose to get better
[5:31:00 PM] Bizarre Monkey: if you recall
[5:31:10 PM] Bizarre Monkey: my drawings back then were the usual mspaint crap
[5:31:20 PM] Bizarre Monkey: but now??
[5:31:42 PM] Bizarre Monkey: im drawing stuff like this
[5:32:05 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you know, had i been told those three years ago that'd i'd be drawing like that in three years time
[5:32:14 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i probably wouldn't have believed it
[5:32:51 PM] Bizarre Monkey: everytime i fight
[5:33:04 PM] Bizarre Monkey: everytime i do something drastic
[5:33:08 PM] Bizarre Monkey: it's never for me
[5:33:13 PM] Bizarre Monkey: its for you guys
[5:33:24 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and because you're all so amazing
[5:33:51 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i want to give you the chance at a life i got just by being lucky
[5:34:12 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you're all so talented, and some of you i've seen firsthand your growth
[5:34:19 PM] Bizarre Monkey: as artists, composers, whatever
[5:34:40 PM] Bizarre Monkey: back in 2012
[5:34:45 PM] Bizarre Monkey: to that whole skye debacle
[5:35:04 PM] Bizarre Monkey: where we fought tooth and nail to keep our forum around
[5:35:12 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and then fought to keep her off our case
[5:35:25 PM] Bizarre Monkey: that was when i first felt a strong sense of destiny
[5:35:52 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i could at long last, use my power for good
[5:36:00 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and even now, 3 years later
[5:36:11 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i still beam with pride at our exploits back then
[5:36:19 PM] Bizarre Monkey: we were a good team
[5:36:30 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and now we're a REALLY good team
[5:37:10 PM] Bizarre Monkey: but the ice dealer, hewhoisnumberone, cocksmoker97, those are all things i'll never be able to forget
[5:38:07 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and you guys, you've just been both such an inspiration for me, as well as such a great bunch of friends
[5:38:56 PM] Bizarre Monkey: no one else has made me fan art without me asking, no one else just does goofy stuff out of some love for everyone here
[5:39:14 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and you all came along at such a great time
[5:39:34 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i'd just lost contact with everyone sans mitch, david, lukas and eric
[5:39:42 PM] Bizarre Monkey: they were the only friends left
[5:39:52 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and even they were wary of me to a point
[5:40:03 PM] Bizarre Monkey: but then i found you guys
[5:40:14 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and my life has been careening upwards ever since
[5:40:26 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i've mentioned it a couple times
[5:40:31 PM] Bizarre Monkey: my "hopes and dreams"
[5:40:41 PM] Bizarre Monkey: they aren't to make the best game
[5:40:53 PM] Bizarre Monkey: they are to meet all of you guys and make the best game
[5:40:56 PM] Bizarre Monkey: together
[5:41:34 PM] Bizarre Monkey: alone i can do a lot, but you guys are my perseverance, you know...
[5:41:48 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i'd have quit making Menagerie long before remastered came around
[5:42:03 PM] Bizarre Monkey: had it not been for you all wanting and doing so well to contribute
[5:42:13 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i knew i couldn't quit
[5:42:31 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you guys had done so much to make this game, so i had to do my part
[5:42:49 PM] Bizarre Monkey: the same for every game that followed
[5:42:58 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i almost quit a couple times on perseverance
[5:43:06 PM] Bizarre Monkey: but i knew i had to push forward
[5:43:11 PM] Bizarre Monkey: you guys believed in me
[5:43:16 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and so i had to as well
[5:43:40 PM] Bizarre Monkey: now Intelligence 314th Clash is a month and a half from release
[5:43:49 PM] Bizarre Monkey: will we get it done in time?
[5:43:52 PM] Bizarre Monkey: heheh, i think so
[5:43:59 PM] Bizarre Monkey: i am still making large changes
[5:44:09 PM] Bizarre Monkey: but look at all that was done in the past week
[5:44:15 PM] Bizarre Monkey: 19 episodes worth of content
[5:44:23 PM] Bizarre Monkey: for I314 indev
[5:44:37 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and that's just where i had to stop
[5:44:47 PM] Bizarre Monkey: act one's huge revision is basically done
[5:45:28 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and after i314 is done, we aren't stopping, there
[5:45:37 PM] Bizarre Monkey: we'll move onto PFC and get it rolling
[5:45:56 PM] Bizarre Monkey: and a lot of you have already done LOADS of work
[5:45:57 PM] Bizarre Monkey: heh
[5:46:06 PM] Bizarre Monkey: im actually the one who's behind on it
[5:46:32 PM] Bizarre Monkey: so, i gotta say guys and gals
[5:46:33 PM] Bizarre Monkey: thanks
[5:46:43 PM] Bizarre Monkey: for sticking by me and believing in me


We have the same bday Biz, wow! Congratulations to us. :)

Instead of typing everything I can think of, I'll start out with my pets. They always make me smile. Birds can be such silly creatures. xD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Yeesh! Happy birthday you two!

Today it was getting to talk to my little brother on the phone before he went to school this morning. He's only 6, so I get to hear updates about his favorite color and type of dinosaur each time (cheeky)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'm usually a very cheerful guy and most of the time I try to make everyone else smile rather than actually smiling myself. I'm having a not-so-great time right now IRL - had it for quite some time but I don't let that get to me. It's little random messages I receive, posts I read (like the ones above) and things I do that make me smile. That reminds me... I should call my grandma. If nothing can make me smile, I can always count on her. She's that amazing! :D


Staff member
Watching the indoor cat strategize on how he is going to get those birds in the bush and trees by the pond. He is afraid to go outside, so when the door opens that is not an option. He has 'caught' them a few times where they would have been on the other side of the window. :)


Staff member
Fire. Lots and lots of fire.
Answering that gave me slightly higher points in mania and schizophrenia, when I was a Psych student taking a personality test. I just like big fires, particularly diesel soaked, never going to burn out, going to need the fire department to put out, bon fires.