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What Is Your RPG Maker Routine?


Towns Guard
I thought this would be a fun little topic to start to see everyone's routine while working on projects. So I guess I will start:

1) break out laptop
2) Make Coffee or have plenty of caffeine and gummy bear ready
3) turn on RPG Maker MV and all my programs(sound and art)
4) get E-cig, fluid and spare battery
5) Invent new vulgar words as I start to work.

This has been my routine for the past few months, mind you party cause I have been work lovely 14hr days so you know that does add to it too...but wondering what everybody's routine is.


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
coffee, rhodiola (herbal supplement) and Soma Fm ( online radio usually set to either The Trip, Def Con, or Space Station Soma. For dialog work sometimes I like to listen to Deep Space One, also on Soma or Hearts of Space (

one last bladder check, log off all of my interactive stuff so i won't get distracted, then i'm in the zone for a few hours.


I tend to do my best work later in the night, with only the glow of my computer screens illuminating my office. Before development, I make sure I'm good to just focus for a decent chunk of time (water bottle, bio break, etc), then I just turn on my favorite music streaming channel and go to work. Story notes and reference pages on the secondary monitor, and the program itself on the primary.

Pretty standard development activities, I feel.


I just found a new job and I'm enrolled in an online medical terminology course and I just got all my MV assets put where they belong, but haven't assigned the tilesets their roles (you know, walkable/unwalkable, bush, ladder, etc).... sooooo...
My only routine these days is:

1) Return from work
2) Moan about how exhausted I am
3) Study for class
4) Assign MV titlesets (I bought a lot of DLC)
5) Work on MV project if I'm feeling frisky
6) Go to bed
7) Repeat
I have a pretty bad routine that involves getting super baked before and during work in MV. This leads to a lot of sloppy eventing. XD I also tend to spend a lot of time looking for graphics or trying to figure out how to do something simple.


I have a pretty bad routine that involves getting super baked before and during work in MV. This leads to a lot of sloppy eventing. XD I also tend to spend a lot of time looking for graphics or trying to figure out how to do something simple.
I'm the same way. My creativity plummets whenever I've smoked too much. I feel jealous of people who get more creative under the influence of Mary Jane, but it is what it is, ya know?
It helps the creativity for me, but not the actual work. Dialogue and plot and things like that go fine, but figuring out how to event something complicated is a bit more structured than I'm usually up for. LOL