Indie Dev

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What have you worked on today?


I just find its good to establish such to yourself as a developer going forward. Otherwise you might find yourself reluctant to do things that aren't "regional" "historically accurate" or "representative." I remember one person was making some kind of unicorn game and they kept asking me if they had to make all the unicorn horns the same size and I was like "It's literally your world. You get to make it however you want. I don't think there are any rules on fantasy creatures." But with that said, you're not making fantasy creatures so you will still need to follow some guidelines to be respectful and appropriate.

As far as resources go, no. I don't particularly know a good tileset for that. One of my favourite RPG resource artists is Avery and I consistently forget what great stuff she has put out. Just did a quick peach and saw some that could be useful. As far as using their work, read the terms. Some of the items have additional contributors but for the most part, they just want a copy of the game you make if you use her stuff.
View attachment 8755

Also I'm still playing in MV, not sure if it was that you were looking for either:
Thank you, going to look to see if she has any thing else I can use.


I just find its good to establish such to yourself as a developer going forward. Otherwise you might find yourself reluctant to do things that aren't "regional" "historically accurate" or "representative." I remember one person was making some kind of unicorn game and they kept asking me if they had to make all the unicorn horns the same size and I was like "It's literally your world. You get to make it however you want. I don't think there are any rules on fantasy creatures." But with that said, you're not making fantasy creatures so you will still need to follow some guidelines to be respectful and appropriate.

As far as resources go, no. I don't particularly know a good tileset for that. One of my favourite RPG resource artists is Avery and I consistently forget what great stuff she has put out. Just did a quick peach and saw some that could be useful. As far as using their work, read the terms. Some of the items have additional contributors but for the most part, they just want a copy of the game you make if you use her stuff.
View attachment 8755

Also I'm still playing in MV, not sure if it was that you were looking for either:
You gave me an idea and hear it is.
Thank you.
I finished my game for the jam today. Sending it to some friends to play with before I submit. Lots of fun to participate in! Thanks a million for hosting!
Got good feed back and need to add more things to the game so it isn't a complete disservice to it... but I'm tired! Waaah!

...It's not Sunday yet though.


Hear is a screenshot of the test town I have going. It is looking real good.
Even got a Chef with his peace pipe and his crops for his pipe. The town wall is the best you can get in a 2d game sense the rounded corners and shadowing I would need would not look right this was the best way. The canoes were a pain but I finally figured it out. There are 7 different types of housing hear. The chef I put on the outside tile because of his head dress. Well it not like he is going to go any were we are going to do the work lol. Got him facing left and right as well.
Yeah, I think a lot of people use plugins for shadows and things. I'm a super noob when it comes to them. Liking the diagonal walls too.


Yeah, I think a lot of people use plugins for shadows and things. I'm a super noob when it comes to them. Liking the diagonal walls too.
The shadows I use is not a plugin it is put in the b c d and e tiles.
Hear is a small sample I use. Let me get the full tileset for it and I will upload it for you all. I have them In my downloads packs some ware on hear but bean gone so long because of the computer crash forgot were. So I will up Load the shadows just by them selves. Sorry I am dyslexic.



I forgot my igloo from my old tiles. Oops lol Glad I remembered them now I am at 8 types of buildings. Now my inside A5 tileset is maxed out rofl.


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I did some mapping for my project Ramzowa. I try to get a little bit done on my personal projects every weekend. I need to reorganize my assets and stuff because I know I have assets I want to use for the outdoor market, I just... Can't remember where they are. :'D

Here's the WIP of a map I made today: