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What do you think? (Garando - Prologue/Demo)

Aisling Starr

Princess Of Garando
Years ago, a small child was born in Okinawa, Japan, a special child that would, some day, rule the world. Her name was Oriona. This child was very aware of her surroundings, the reality of life, and so on, even at a young age. It didn't take her long to realize she was a stranger to those around her, even those of her blood. She had many gifts, and a few curses, that would drag her down in the near future.

Raised in an abusive household, the child soon learned to grow numb to almost anything and everything. She would cry when she felt like getting violent. She never really felt sad, just empty. She could be happy, but was never really granted the opportunity. She did her best to smile, nonetheless, even when kids bullied her, stole from her, threw her glasses away, and cut off her hair.

The girl would go off to a special place. A place where she felt loved, appreciated, and no one could ever really hate her or hurt her. To some, her Nirvana was some hell-ish heaven. For her, it was her kingdom. Beauty, bliss, happiness. They all rest within that place of hers. That space no one could take away. That space...her one could destroy.

As she grew, so did the kingdom. As a baby, she met Aisling. Aisling raised her, taught her what to like, and taught her what to dislike. Oriona was a shell. She didn't know what to like, how to like it, why she liked it if she ever learned that she did like something, and didn't know how to cope with the sadness, hate, dislikes, and anger, that came from being human.

Aisling did.

Aisling gladly helped her along the way in that little space of hers.She helped her create, destroy, speak, love, like, dislike, hate, and so forth. There was, however, a monster that grew as Aisling and Oriona did. His name was Jōyō. Jōyō liked to speak negatively, send whispering butterflies to Oriona, trying to de-motivate her. It usually broke her, sending her into a deep silence that lasted until Aisling cheered her up. His influence only grew stronger as they all grew older.

Outside her kingdom, Oriona wasn't allowed to step outside without someone by her side, other than Aisling. Jōyō often followed them, continuing to silence Oriona at any opportunity he could, soon managing to physically harm her. Once, he ended up making her turn a knife to herself, which Aisling stopped her from doing after bringing her to black out momentarily and listen to the sounds that made her calm.

One day, Jōyō became too powerful. He had gotten to the point where he had enough control over Oriona to make her...disappear. She was no longer safe in her safe place. The place she once knew to be safe, eventually turned into a wasteland for Jōyō to run as free as he wished. He named this space "Garandō". He was in control, and that made him happy, for the first time in...forever.

Aisling had to get Oriona away. She had to, there was no other choice. Aisling quickly carried Oriona away as she wept rivers of tears behind them. Aisling gave Oriona a pendant and told her to never let go of it, and to never forget. Oriona had a terrible memory, however. Oriona ran once Aisling shooed her away, as far as she could...*PMF* Oriona fell, and the pendant with her, falling over the bridge and to somewhere, anywhere but there. Oriona cried more, but knew she had to get up. She had to get up. She had to go...but why? She looked around, soon becoming confused to where she even was and why she was running. She got up, wiped her eyes, and calmly walked off, going back home.

Years went by, and Oriona had forgotten about her nameless kingdom. She had forgotten about Aisling. She had forgotten about anything and everything that happened. She forgot why she felt. She didn't feel much anymore. Everything was too real to her again. She had no reason to pretend anymore, or to genuinely feel, not unless it was to get what she wanted. The abuse stopped, but it left her broken. She was quiet, slightly scared of the unknown, unsure of how to deal with certain things.She did know that she liked materialistic things, because, for the most part, they were forever. She had learned to accept how she was, even if no on else did.

One night, she had met a few people that considered her to be friends. Happiness was her momentary weakness. She felt for a little while. Flashes of memories of Aisling came back, but she was confused to why she was even remembering such a strange girl. She ignored it, nonetheless...that was, before he came back. Jōyō. He was back to gain complete control of Garandō. It turns out, he didn't have complete control because of the kingdom originally belonging to Oriona. All he had to do was get her to fly...Fly into the center of Garandō.

Oriona, later that night, ended up stumbling back into the bridge that lead to what was once her kingdom. Memories, only a few, came rushing into her, reminding her of once was, only slightly. She remembered her...Aisling. The name rung loudly in her head constantly. Aisling, Aisling, Aisling. She had to find her. She had to, if it was the last thing she did. Oriona ran across the bridge and ended up running into a large cage with six keyholes on the lock. Inside, Aisling sat there, singing to herself, soon startled with Oriona's presence. Aisling couldn't believe it, attempting to reach out to grab Oriona's arm, but stopping and telling her how to get the keys to let her out. One lies in a cave, one lies in the clouds, one lies in the bloodbath, one lies in the garden, one lies in the kitchen, and one lies in the heart. Oriona has to figure out where each location is...On the way, she encounters multiple puzzles, characters, and dangers to free Aisling. Perhaps she also finds out something she REALLY, REALLY, REALLY shouldn't have about herself and Aisling...
well this is interesting but the first paragraph didn't work with the others, it felt lost like this girl from Okinawa then change the focus to the dream world went so fast then go back to his basic live in Okinawa again

you can find any reference in any "amnesia" and "dream land" Cliché everywhere but the perfect example is Alice in Wonderland, you can save this for a draft but when you put it on the game keep the narration small because this draft has no breather

overall I like this and shall wait for your updates on this

Aisling Starr

Princess Of Garando
well this is interesting but the first paragraph didn't work with the others, it felt lost like this girl from Okinawa then change the focus to the dream world went so fast then go back to his basic live in Okinawa again

you can find any reference in any "amnesia" and "dream land" Cliché everywhere but the perfect example is Alice in Wonderland, you can save this for a draft but when you put it on the game keep the narration small because this draft has no breather

overall I like this and shall wait for your updates on this
That's the point. There isn't suppose to be a difference. Not so much. It's suppose to be a "What is going on in her head" sort of thing.