Indie Dev

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What did you add to your project today?


Staff member
Resource Team
What all did you add, change, update, etc. to your project you're working on? Feel free to post pictures, audio, or simply text explaining everything you've added today.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
It's a bit of a slow process, but I've been revamping the opening sequence for my game. (cheeky)

I was working on it as part of one of my college classes, so I only had about 1 1/2 weeks to get the graphics done. To save time, not everything had the same scale, so now I'm going back and making sure everything matches.

For example:


I've been refactoring my new menu system. Today I've been been adding higher order functions to remove duplicate code. I've gotten rid of 50 unnecessary lines or so this morning.


I recently added a whole heap of dungeon floors in the first dungeon and changed the colour and contrast of the default dungeon tileset. I'm trying to work more on adding more mechanical substance right now, but I have no experience in coding and hardly know how to add simple things just in the vanilla RPG Maker MV. I have a friend who is rigorously testing my project which is a giant help, as well as gaining inspiration from other projects of users here on these forums.

In other words, I've pretty much just started out on my project (got RPG Maker MV 17/03/2018).
(I have used VX Ace before and made 1.5 bland and boring games out of it)

Magus Gar Kan

Towns Guard
I added several things, removed others and then decided better on it and put everything back to where I had started from.

I am in this weird limbo of creative energy where I can't decided what I should work on, how or when and so I end up getting nothing done.


Staff member
Resource Team
I took a static image of one of my tilesets and made an animation for it (ocean for the beach). That took me way longer than I originally expected lol.


Towns Guard
Well Today and for the last few weeks I worked on debugging my music player/playlist editor. The player can edit the settings of any BGM currently playing, then name it and add it to their playlist. There are all the traditional play modes and also new play modes. Whether you choose Play, Shuffle, or Repeat, you will also choose playback speed from Saved Speed or Shuffle Speed. Additionally, when you choose Repeat you may also choose Ascending or Descending Speed. I'm finally getting close, but WAY OVER estimated time for completion. Oh well, its a good thing I'm not getting paid for any of this!
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