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What are you thankful for?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I know not everyone celebrates it, (or at least not at this time of the year for some), but for those of us in the States we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving very soon. So... what are you guys thankful for this year?

For me, it's been a crazy few months. I've been learning new software, I've been meeting new people, I've been stubbing my toe more than I'd like. It's been interesting! This year, I'm especially thankful for...
- My cell phone.
No, I'm not some kind of technophile. I'm thankful that, in almost any circumstance, this tiny block will let me get in touch with some friends or family when I need it. Because, trust me, when I've been up for 3-5 days in a row working on projects for classes, I really need to be able to hear my mom talk some sense into me. xD

- Mother Nature.
I was outdoors almost every day from January through March. For once I didn't catch bronchitis. I worked all summer. Not one sunburn. It's late November. It's not snowing. It's autumn. My allergies aren't going bonkers, and my seasonal asthma hasn't kicked in.


- My siblings.
Family can be awful sometimes. But, you know, when it's great, it can be really great. I can't say the same for all of my family, but I've been very lucky to have 5 brothers who are all wonderful, aggravating, and amazing people to be around.

- This community.
Oh, come on now. Don't think I wasn't going to mention you guys!

I'll be honest, earlier in the fall I was really considering giving up on RPG Maker forums altogether. Some were too inactive, some were too active, and some just weren't very friendly anymore. It's nice to be a part of a community that's genuinely likable again. You folks are great, and I'm looking forward to sticking around with you all. :)


Staff member
I am recovering from having a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What is that? I had a blood vessel to 'leak' near the brain stem. It literally felt like the back of my head was going to explode. This was very lethal. I am thankful that I had enough cognitive ability to realize something was going wrong. I am thankful for the ER staff that expedited serving me, and bumping others, with lesser levels of urgency. I am thankful of the radiology team, that operated the CT machines, when I was taking the CT Scans and CT-A Scans. I am thankful for the ICU team that care of me. I am thankful for the procedure team when I was taking the angiogram. Iam thankful for my neurosurgeon who is treating me for my hemorrhage recovery in addition to my spinal conditions of moderate to severe foraminal stenosis. I am thankful for my primary care provider staff and diabetic educator. Each additional day that I have been given, I am thankful.


I am thankful for...

Jesus Christ:
I'll be pretty upfront. Even though I am a preacher it is hard for me to openly talk about my faith in everyday real-world, which is something I am working on. That being said, my worldview is such that without Him, everything would immediately lose meaning and purpose. I am far, far from being perfect, but I am thrilled that He is making me that way as long as I follow His steps instead of my own (which I find is way easier said than done).

My family:
2 boys, a wonderful wife and extended family that always supports and helps without any agenda. Things are not always easy, but there is never any doubt of our love for each other.

My church family:
We moved 1,000 miles north of Texas so I could take a preaching position at our church. They really have been one of the best churches I have ever been a part of. We have had some pretty big personal troubles come up, but time and again they have been there for us and supported us not just with words, but action.

This community:
I picked up VX Ace on a lark because it was on a crazy Steam sale. I did some tutorials but that was it. When I saw the changes to MV I thought I would really want to try it, but thinking I probably wouldn't stick with it. The communication and friendliness of these forums is very encouraging, so kudos to this place for helping me to stick around long enough in MV to realize I really do enjoy working on games.

There's a whole lot more. Friends, steady work, my house, food to eat, and so much more it would take up the rest of this thread probably. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and make sure to remember you always have something to be thankful for, even in the darkest of times! XD


Staff member
Resource Team
- This community.
Oh, come on now. Don't think I wasn't going to mention you guys!

I'll be honest, earlier in the fall I was really considering giving up on RPG Maker forums altogether. Some were too inactive, some were too active, and some just weren't very friendly anymore. It's nice to be a part of a community that's genuinely likable again. You folks are great, and I'm looking forward to sticking around with you all. :)
I'm glad this forum has changed your opinions on RM forums :)

This community:
I picked up VX Ace on a lark because it was on a crazy Steam sale. I did some tutorials but that was it. When I saw the changes to MV I thought I would really want to try it, but thinking I probably wouldn't stick with it. The communication and friendliness of these forums is very encouraging, so kudos to this place for helping me to stick around long enough in MV to realize I really do enjoy working on games.
It's awesome to know that people are impacted by making this community. This website was a spear of the moment, impulse buy/make. Someone mentioned MV was coming out, and I was bored and for some reason looked up the domain of Well, of course that was taken, however .co wasn't and decided to buy it and make it. Next thing I know it, after randomly deciding to spam some forums, and PM members I had youtubers, websites, etc. posting about the site, and the community exploded.

So, for this, I'm thankful for the community as well. The fact that something I figured would never get popular got popular is something I never expected. I've made several forums in the past, and all of them I had a set goal of getting it HUGE. However, with this one, I wanted to simply make a MV community that is friendly, and helpful to members, and I believe I have achieved this. Not by making the site, but by how the community is engaged with this site. You all are absolutely amazing, I know I've said this already (Several times) but this site would be nothing without you all, and I'm glad to be able to experience this site taking off like it is with all these amazing members!


I am thankful for Jesus, my savior, and my family and extended family, and being autistic, for if i was not the way God made me i would be someone totally different...... amen!
happy thanksgiving to all that celebrate it .... if you are canadian sorry i am late tho happy thanksgiving for you next year :) !!!!!
this just in, I have just seen @Amysaurus 's hat I am thankful for it too. <3
also while thinking about it, I love my ability for write my name in print or cursive ..... this is a dying ability..... also thankful for my life (since i died 3 times as a baby) and I am deffinately thankful for my freedoms,
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I am thankful for life and all it bestows upon me, whether it be good times or hard times.
Life is hard, you will have difficulties getting anything done in life, and sometimes it will get thrown back to you. But life is also rewarding, the accomplishment of throwing your sweat, blood and tears into a project and finishing it, the gratitude that people give you when you have accomplished the great. This is what I am thankful for, the life I have been given.

"I can't think of anything more rewarding than being able to express yourself. Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things to me, are truly the window to your soul." - Bob fucking Ross.


Staff member
I am thankful for being assigned to go to The Philippines as an ambassador for Jesus Christ. I am thankful that I have been married to my sweet wife for 27 years. I am thankful for our three children: Brittany (24), Haley (21), and Aaron (12). BTW, Aaron also designs on MV and VX Ace. I am thankful that I am healthy enough today to join the family at my in-laws; it was originally planned for me to stay home today. I am thankful for the creativity and intelligence that I have been blessed with. I too, am thankful for this MV community. There is so much to be thankful for.

Have a most blessed day, and be thankful.
Lingkod Jay

Bizarre Monkey

I can't state to celebrate Thanksgagging since I don't live in a place that celebrates it, but I will partake in naming what I am thankful for.

Having a really awesome childhood and upbringing, having a brother who despite being younger, has taught me to be tough and resilient. Having a mother who was silly and stern, caring and not-patronizing. Having a Dad who may not be the most sensitive fella in the world, but gosh damn he's still fine. He and I can very easily get along when talking about things that we see as jokes, such as Lismore's town planning department.

Being raised and matured in Australia, where life is a lot easier than places like America or Britain.

Having loads of free time and a disposable income that allows me to follow my dreams and make radical games.

That I am now living in the big city, that all my dreams are coming true-- one by one.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
We might not celebrate Thanksgiving here but my family's go a big party coming up next week anyway, so I guess that's reason enough to say something here. :)
Keyword "family": There might be a few exceptions to this but... I think I have the most awesomest family. Whenever I hear from others about their family I feel bad. For them because apparently their families suck and also bad because I feel like I have it better for no other reason than my family being my family. If it wasn't for their love, care and support I wouldn't be half the person I am now. Well, maybe I would because I would've missed out on a whole bunch of my grandma's awesomely cooked lunch and dinner. :D

Anyway... since it's a huge and important thing in my life, I want to thank my family for always being there for me. ^_^

*cries tears of emotion*