Indie Dev

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Well, well, well...What have we here, hmmm?

It's me! The Eclectic Eccentric!
I found this site about a week ago, but became most active a few days ago, when I ran out of projects I was cranking out like a factory. (3 in a month! Woot!) Unfortunately, doing everything alone, even testing, left one of them with some crippling errors that I missed, much to my chagrin as a developer. Now, I am embarking on another mission to crank out a 4th game in the next week! Then, maybe, just maybe, I can resume work on my other project, and start a short christmas game, that I can hopefully have done by christmas. I also intend to start another game, with all hand drawn art. I am not a great artist, but I am not terrible, either. It just looks a little cartoony. Having said that, I have seen many cartoony 'arts' that were significantly worse than what I can do, and they somehow achieved some relative fame for it, so I am gonna make a game with mine.

In my spare time, I spend too much on this and other forums, scrolling around lurking. I sometimes dabble in music, that decidedly does not fit most RPGs, but it's whatever. My music goes back farther than game development, though I wanted to GD since I was a wee lad.

Once I have a thorough handle on the engine, or maybe another one, I intend to make games that are a little more lofty than my current batch of silly/comedy. Think SIS Rpgs... those wacky, silly games you can see translated on youtube.

I like to read, research, game dev and make things. I play MTG, also, but I havent been as big into it since I found my laptop could run RPG maker VX Ace. (It wouldnt run at first. I later found out it was Acer's Bloatware bogging down my system. Cheap laptops...)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums :D If you're thinking about making a christmas game, make sure to check out our CCE in the Forum Announcements :)

Glad to have you here, and look forward to seeing you around!


Towns Guard
Hi there! Hope you keep this much production going. Be sure to ask for help in debugging/writing here in the Forum's.
It's nice to have a little help ;)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Welcome aboard Eclectic Eccentric! Glad to have you here and I hope to see some of your creations around. See you later :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hello and welcome :D lol I used to lurk in forums too. Especially game criticism, sometimes i scroll hours just on game criticism. You dont need to make everything on your own Im sure here are enough ppl who'd betatest your games. If you need help with anything just ask here are a lot of nice and helpful ppl. But well have a nice stay here ;)
Hey thanks for the welcome everybody! I just ask 1 thing of you: Dont play FARM LIFE 2040 currently, lol. I found (well, Minister Jay, actually brought it to my attention, thanks again!) a game crippling bug and it is in my snake den of events somewhere. I am trying to sort it out, but I don't have a ton of time with other projects. I really should have added it as demo... *le sigh* I should have it fixed later today or tomorrow.

I will be sure to find some testers here, and do some testing myself in a week or two. I love seeing what people come up with, especially non rpgs or nontraditional RPGs.

As for my art...I am really good at imitating! lol, not so much drawing from my mind. I am terrible with shading. My lines are clean, but my characters look like a cross between the simpsons and something more...rounded. cartoony. I am awful with a mouse though. I tried to imitate your style, @Amysaurus at one time because I had seen that art trade thread you had up on RpgmakerWeb, it was coming along pretty good, then I had Catastrophic Hard Drive Failure. I lost a lot of work, between that and some custom (read: bad) tiles and a few projects... It's very important to make backups!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Awww- that's no good! I save like a maniac, but that doesn't do much good if the whole hard drive wants to have a meltdown. The art trade thing worked out pretty well until the post was buried, lol! xD

Shading is kind of tricky, but it's not too bad with practice! I'm always up for helping/giving advice, if you need it ^^