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Weapon Damage Formulas


Resident Dragon
Hi folks,

I'm developing some of my weapons in my project to have an adaptive damage modifier.

For example, a sword that deals more damage the less health the character has, or a staff that boosts the healing effect on the target proportionate to the caster's max HP. (Each of these weapons would have a minimum damage value that, should their required attribute not be boosting the damage, they would still deal damage/heal)

Would I need a script/plugin for this, or can I use the traits to make this happen?


Towns Guard
There is a Damage Formulas page on here created by @Mr. Trivel that has a list of all the possible things you can enter to affect damage output. I've not used any of the more advanced features, but you can check the HP rate and you can use health as a base to deal damage. Not sure if there is a way without a plugin to do the inverse though.

Regards the staff one, that might depend on the formula for the skill. You could however, if the skill is fixed, substitute the heal spell for a duplicate one that appears when the staff is equipped but that won't take into account if the character already knows it or not.