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Hello! I had this cool idea (in my mind anyway) that one mechanic in this game would be that Mana or MP whichever you like to refer to magic points as, would play a key role in not only the story but gameplay. I want to basically make it to where if the player runs out of MP they are knocked out cause in the world of this game MP wouldn't just be what allows people to wield magic, but its also needed for everything to live, no MP and the persons soul becomes unstable and shatters, obviously killing that person.
I was hoping they'd allow you to edit the conditions or state itself but I can't find a way if you can without scripting. What I'm hoping to find out is, has anyone made a plugin or would know what I'd have to do to get that working? I also almost forgot to mention I'd also like to allow the player to be able to cast a spell regardless of the MP they have so say they have... 20 and a spell needs 30 it still casts but if they do that they will die. I want the player to have to not only manage their HP but MP also and there would be skills and items that sacrifice HP for MP and vise versa.
I have no experience with scripting either so any help will be greatly appreciated as I really really wanna use this idea >.<
I was hoping they'd allow you to edit the conditions or state itself but I can't find a way if you can without scripting. What I'm hoping to find out is, has anyone made a plugin or would know what I'd have to do to get that working? I also almost forgot to mention I'd also like to allow the player to be able to cast a spell regardless of the MP they have so say they have... 20 and a spell needs 30 it still casts but if they do that they will die. I want the player to have to not only manage their HP but MP also and there would be skills and items that sacrifice HP for MP and vise versa.
I have no experience with scripting either so any help will be greatly appreciated as I really really wanna use this idea >.<