So I was browsing the web when I saw an ad for Vivaldi, a web browser I've never heard of before, I had to check it out, I have this thing for all web browsers ever since I started getting heavy into Javascript, really unsure why, maybe Javascript has subliminal messages hidden within the code that persuade you into trying every web browser on the net hahaha, or it could just be because I like testing the performance of JS and HTML5 games it in different browsers. Either way, I'm very happy I've found it, it has the same feeling as chrome and same speed as chrome as well, it's made by the same developers as Opera, which I never liked but this one I like. The customizations are amazing, it seems like firefox bred with chrome and made a baby. This browser is probably just chrome under the hood but either way, it's good. Anyways, check out the features page, it has a lot, but still feels lightweight.
Let me know what you think about it, and let's have a discussion about your and your "Web Browser" history, what is your favorite browser and how often do you use more than one?
Let me know what you think about it, and let's have a discussion about your and your "Web Browser" history, what is your favorite browser and how often do you use more than one?