i'v not made one, but isn't that hard imo if you have skill to draw your characters you just have to use show image, move image, play animation, play video, BGM, sound effects, etc, etc, etc... you will have make a bunch of events in maps without background or with the scene background and leave your actor without charset or with it hidden. With that you already can do a simple one.
if you want to do a dating sim. you can use plugins like actor relationship and if you want advanced features like custom stats / reputation / anything that is a number you can use YEP_X_Actor variables, also there is the option to use plugins like passives skills / perks / auto states and etc to give bonus and etc for your character (
Long Live the Queen is a good example of that).
the game allow you the check a lot of things before making a decision, you could assing your relationship to someone to a variable and make decisions affect that variable, then in the later ocasions, you check if the player have a good or a bad relationship with a heroine to decide what will happen.
the only thing that could be a little complicated would be creating custom menus, you may need to know javascript depending of the complexity. The maker allow you to disable the main choices of your menu and YEP actor variables already creates a custom menu for you. You can use frontal battle to select where you want to go if you want to target a place or you can just create a map with the world tileset and you can modify your variables with choices in events(HIME larger choices would be good for that). it all depends of how complex will be that novel, but mostly it's graphics, choice events and variables.
would help to know what you could not make