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Undertale Battle System
Alpha 1.40
To start off, let me just say that the "Undertale Battle System" at least in terms of this Plugin refers to the "bullet-hell" style dodging system that Undertale contained. I will hopefully add the other aspects of Undertale Battle System such as the timed attacking system and stuff like that, but for the time being, the goal is to recreate the most difficult, and most famous part of Undertale's battle system, which is the bullet-hell dodging thingy.Alpha 1.40
Current Video Demonstration:
For the time being, the Plugin is not available for direct public use, but you can play the demos in the link below as a "proof-of-concept" for the Plugin!
The Plugin will be made available for Beta, which should be out soon.
The goal of the Plugin is as follows:
- Recreate the ability to dodge enemy attacks
- Give the Player the ability to customize the attacks based off of the "Skill" used by the Enemy
- Add the ability to give the "Player Icon" different abilities like shown in Undertale
- Have the abilities based on the Actor currently dodging the attack and their status, equips, class, etc...
- Have some sort of way to customize the image of the attacks
- Have the horizontal and vertical speeds be based off of a formula the user inputs
- Hopefully have some sort of way to make different "playing fields"
- When the first attack of the battle begins, it uses Harold's HP until the Actor is hit
- The Actor's position does not reset after each attack
- The Actor's invincibility does not reset
If you have any good ideas on how the attacks can be customized or how anything else in the Plugin should be done in terms of user interaction, comment below and let me know!
Detailed Changelog
Version Alpha 1.40
- Added the ability to give objects custom images
- Added "modes" to the Player
- Added the ability to customize "mode" per attack
- Added "blue mode" aka. gravity game
- Demo Created at this version
Version Alpha 1.30
- Added Custom Spawn Rates
- Added Spawn Delay
- Custom Color
- Added the ability to have 9 desperate UTB objects per attack
- Further improved upon collision system
Version Alpha 1.20
- Improved upon collision system
- Made collisions cusomizable per UTB attack object
- Added the ability to view collision masks of objects
Version Alpha 1.10
- Build UTB Attacks based on Skills used by Enemy
- Added Notetag system for customizing UTB attacks
- Added customizable durations for the UTB attacks
- Added "Dynamic" and "Static" movement
Version Alpha 1.00
- Initial reveal version
- Created the basic system with hard-coded attacks for each enemy
- Demo Created at this version