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Unamed Idea


So I'm working on a game (well story, item ideas, etc. first) and I have a story and
I wanted to hear some feed back on it. If it sounded somewhat original.

The main point of the story is that there is no main villain, no evil cult, no meteor
coming to destroy the world. But that the main God/Goddess is upset with the
current balance of the word and wants to wipe the slate clean (Noah's Ark style)
and our hero and his/her friends are trying to find a way to said God/Goddess
to stop him/her by telling them that what they are doing is not right. Not to destroy,
not to kill (but there will be a final fight) but just to stop the God/Goddess and let
them now that the world isn't as bad as they think.

Now I know there are big plot holes here the main one being... How the heck do
they find out that the God/Goddess is going to do this. Well thats why I came here.
to see what everyone has to add, or say.

So just let me know what you think and if you have any ideas on how this could go.
Or if its just a really bad idea haha.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Sounds interesting. How about the god/goddess has been ancient lore for thousands of years, a divine being said to be the creator of all worlds and if the time comes, a destroyer of worlds. It says in the ancient writings that the god/goddess created this world to see how god/godesses without memory interacted with each other. No one remembers who what they are because when they take human form they become simple minded and powerless. Now that the world is threatened by the one whom created it, one person in the midst of the night awakens, not from a good nights rest but they awaken to who they are, a previous god/godess who is now powerless but remembers everything about the one who created this world, and he forms a a party together to find this god/godess and tell them that they remember now.

I'm totally just shooting off ideas.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Alright, interesting concept but... a deity wanting to wipe out everything in existence? Wouldn't that make said deity the villain of the game? World domination, world destruction... kinda similar if you ask me. If you define a villain as an evil person who does evil deeds, that deity kinda becomes the villain. However, technicalities! :D

If the problem is how the people find out that's an easy problem to solve. Most RPGs work with prophecies or oracles - Final Fantasy X comes to mind. "We have to atone for our sins, then Sin will go away." Why not have something similar and say that humanity has become too corrupt and power-hungry so the deity wants to right what is wrong. You could have an oracle tell the people about that and of course they don't believe it. What I'm going at is, why have the deity as villain when you can have all of humanity as villain? :)


@LTN Games That sounds really cool! I was gunna implament these beings from a
card game called Magic: the gathering known as planeswalkers (under a diffrent name)
they could be the people who tell the stories and then one comes to the hero and tells
them that they are the ones to help.

@Kaimen Well its not destroying everything, just the life on the planet. The people,
because they have become greedy savages in its eyes. So it wants to kill them and
let whatever evolves next roam the planet till it might happen again, but we all know
that in fantasy stories the world isn't THAT bad haha.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Well, my idea still stands. :D
I'm more for the idea that you should go against the corrupt humans and not a deity. Or maybe have both. Have the player think they made it and then the deity turns at them and wants to wipe out everyone anyway. What I can imagine is that the oracle is part of your group and you're in constant contact with the deity. They give you your tasks and you believe everything is gonna be fine when you do it. But the deity is in fact secretly using you and your group of faithful beleivers to achieve their ultimate goal. What that is can vary. Up to you. :D


OOOOH! That sounds really awesome, you keep doing these quest
thinking that the world won't end but at the end it was all a lie and you
fight to save the world ( SO ORIGINAL! haha)


Right? Every game from here on out needs an ugly
villain that laughs at the hero and unfolds his plans
before disappearing. Then the hero goes on a journey
to find him/her


I really REALLY like this idea.
my initial gut-reaction thoughts would be that during the overall story, there should be plenty of side-quests that give Key Items to the player.
Help a little girl find her lost puppy? She gives you a wildflower as thanks.
Help the blacksmith deliver some fresh veggies from his garden to the aging aunt across town? Here's a fancy bangle to pin on your cloak.
Attend the wedding of some random couple in the woods, receive paper thankyounote (with hearts doodled all over it).

The overall theme would then be that when you do encounter the Divine "Ahh, screw it, reboot world", you have tokens of Love & Light &Happy Joy, that will remind Her/It that there in worth in this world still. Probably not even occur to the player that these are "important things" if not over-used. Yes, it's been done before and cliché, but in a game like this, possibly unexpected and fun change from "kill BigBossBaddie". :)

As for how the characters encounter the Goddess, just have a very basic Story Arc that is unrelated, but halfway through the game, reveal that Mid-Boss-Thing is defeated at the end of Act 2, and the Goddess appears to point in example: see how nasty stuff is around here?!? then continue tying up any unfinished side-quests and lead to the Final Encounter relatively quickly in Act 3. :)


@Maebius See this is the kinda thing I was looking for.
This, I think, could be easily done into a multiple ending
type deal. Have 5 Love items, still have to fight but in the
end it changes its mind, have 10 Love items you end up
talking your way out of the situation, have 20 or so items
It completely changes its mind and you get a special


Dragon Goddess
I like Mae's idea. I skimmed over most of the replies here because I am tired, but adding onto Mae's idea...

basically you can be just another random guy in the world and you choose to be what he becomes. a hero, a villain, whatever.

halfway through the game, you might encounter an "Oracle" -- perhaps an angel, fallen angel, member of the Goddess' court, another God/Goddess, whatever -- someone who sympathizes with humans and doesn't want to see them wiped out for whatever reason.

she can become a permanent NPC who resides in the main city or perhaps even joins as a party member (not a battle member, but someone who follows you and offers advice on your journey, leads you to new quests that can change the ending, etc) and you can talk to her at any time to get an ominous, cryptic message that gives you an idea of your ability to sway the Goddess' judgement at the end of the game

it would be fun if you had a few endings (thinking along the lines of SMT Nocturne)

1. Convince the Goddess to spare humanity and don't fight her (Best Ending)
2. Fight the Goddess and lose, humanity is wiped out (Bad Ending)
3. Fight the Goddess and lose; The Oracle (if he/she likes you enough) will then sacrifice him/herself to resurrect you (not your other party members though) and grant you special, super strong abilities that allows you to defeat the Goddess (Player chooses ending, Oracle dies)
4. Fight the Goddess and win (Everyone lives, you choose the ending)

now from 3 and you could have a couple choices...
3A/4A-Destroy the goddess and take her powers, become ruler of the world alongside the your friends if they lived (Evil Ending)
if Oracle survives, he/she will be disappointed in you and disappear forever.

3B-Spare the goddess, but ask her to resurrect your friends (Oracle stays dead though, because his/her spirit essentially went into you to grant you godlike power for a short time). You go back to your world and life continues as normal, but you eventually begin to search for a way to resurrect the Oracle. (Good/Possible Epilogue Ending)

4B-Spare the goddess, but allow the Oracle to seal the weakened goddess' powers; let the Oracle be the new ruler of the world
you can stay with the Oracle and rule together (ONLY if you made a 'Good' character. possible romance?) or return to your world

4C-Spare goddess, everyone goes home. xD

yikes, that went on a bit longer than expected...sorry!! hope this sparks some ideas for you :D
Maybe she banishes a member of her, don't actually call it this, "Angelic Host" for not agreeing with her course of action. The banished ...... angel?.... spends most of their time trying to warn people, but is mostly seen as "a mad doomsayer" by the public (basically Al Gore, according to South Park, but instead of Manbearpig/global warming, he is warning of the coming catastrophe). Maybe he/she somehow convinces the player character?

EDIT: Maybe the process of being banished from his realm caused the "angel" to go mad, perhaps being out of his proper realm causes this, in my opinion, the madness just adds an interesting aspect to his character.
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Dragon Goddess
yeah, shows them a vision maybe.

but no i dont think they would go around doomsaying, they would be smarter than that (this is a divine being we're talking about, one who has studied humanity at length and grows to love their flaws and good points) and probably just act as a normal person trying to help others and encourage them to be/do good.

saying the world will end will not make people believe him/her (come on, we know how humans are!) but rather, he/she will sense in you, "the hope of the world" ...if you are going the good route, anyway. but for simplicity's sake, maybe you can just leave these "main story quests" with only one route? depends how complicated you want to get with this haha.

maybe the oracle can start off as a regular quest NPC, giving a fairly lengthy questline. once you complete the quests, you might be able to see a vision of humanity being wiped out (perhaps in pieces, small fragments after every quest to make you realize that something is up with this NPC)
yeah, shows them a vision maybe.

but no i dont think they would go around doomsaying, they would be smarter than that (this is a divine being we're talking about, one who has studied humanity at length and grows to love their flaws and good points) and probably just act as a normal person trying to help others and encourage them to be/do good.

saying the world will end will not make people believe him/her (come on, we know how humans are!) but rather, he/she will sense in you, "the hope of the world" ...if you are going the good route, anyway. but for simplicity's sake, maybe you can just leave these "main story quests" with only one route? depends how complicated you want to get with this haha.

maybe the oracle can start off as a regular quest NPC, giving a fairly lengthy questline. once you complete the quests, you might be able to see a vision of humanity being wiped out (perhaps in pieces, small fragments after every quest to make you realize that something is up with this NPC)
maybe "angels", or whatever he decides to call them, are not meant to be on earth. So the process of being banished from his realm maybe caused him to to go a little mad, the madness just might add a kind of humorous aspect to his character.


Dragon Goddess
maybe "angels", or whatever he decides to call them, are not meant to be on earth. So the process of being banished from his realm maybe caused him to to go a little mad, the madness just might add a kind of humorous aspect to his character.
Dunno, it's up to OP what he wants to do with the story. we have two distinct ideas here of a mad doomsayer and a benevolent divine being :P

I think we'll have to wait for him to reply before we can really offer more suggestions or flesh out an idea more. it is, after all, his story haha

EDIT: Another idea could be, the Oracle is benevolent at first, but perhaps if the player goes down the Evil route, doing mean stuff, he/she will become corrupted and lose his/her mind, becoming lost in madness. something about, your actions affecting him/her because the two of you share some sort of spiritual bond or whatever?

anyway looking forward to OP's thoughts
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@Micro @Wiskersthefif
I thank you for the continued Ideas :3

But I have gone with a Male, Female character choice. They're old friends
blah blah blah but they set out on there quest together and end up running
into a Priestess sent by the goddess to find out if the world really needs to
be "cleansed" or not. And it will go from there.


Oh I will, I've actually posted a few things on the forum about
my game recently, and there are still so many things I wanna
post about but don't wanna flood the forums with all my chatter


Dragon Goddess
hey no worries, I'm glad to have stuff to read when I'm on here xD as you can see, I've been posting in most of your threads lol. i get bored if there's nothing interesting for me to post in! so keep 'em comin :D