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Tutorial - Gold & EXP Drops

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Resident Dragon
Hey guys! This is my second tutorial, and in this one I'm going to go over my method of determining Gold & Experience Drops. Now, there are several tutorials relating to this out there (including one from @Driftwood Gaming here on the forums), and they may work for you. Every game is going to be different, and everyone's calculations will vary also. This is all up to personal preference, but this is how I tend to calculate these things.

This tutorial is also more technical than my previous one, so please bear with me. I will try to make it as easy as possible to read.


Many tutorials out there that focus on EXP and Gold drops generally have you use several of the stats an enemy has in order to calculate the Experience, and therefore the Gold, that the enemy drops upon defeat. In many cases, the calculation works something like this:



In the above example, E_rate refers to the EXP Rate, and G_rate to the Gold dropped. What the formula is saying is that the experience rate is equal to the total of all the 6 major stats, and then multiplied by x, which can be any value, but is usually linked to the enemy level or maximum HP. Similarly, the gold drop rate is equal to the experience rate then divided by y, which is usually a whole number, for example 2. So, if we use the figure 2 as the y value, you would get gold equal to half the experience gained.

This method is a great example for those who don't want to spend ages determining experience and gold rates, so as a base line, I would recommend this.

However, sometimes you want to shake things up a little and not use this method, and that's fine too. There are many methods out there.

My method for calculating experience actually only uses 2 main stats - Max HP, and either Attack (for those who hit hard) or Magic Attack (if they are a heavy magic user). This is how I calculate it:

E_rate=(((maxhp/(player_level*2))+(atk or mat))*(player_level/2)
This is my calculation for the base experience for an enemy. In this formula, player_level doesn't actually refer to the current player level. Rather, it refers to the recommended player level that the enemy should be encountered at.


In my previous tutorial, I touched on this briefly. During my database setup, I place a column in my enemies sheet to list the recommended player level; that is, the level a player should be at in order to effectively battle that monster without it being too hard or too easy.

For this tutorial, let's say I have a Minotaur enemy. It is a physical attacker, so calculating the E_rate will use the Attack stat (65). Its recommended player level is 12, and it has a Max HP of 10000. So, to calculate the E_rate:


There we go. So in this example, the Minotaur would give 2, 890 experience. Not too bad. But lets try this on a low level enemy, such as a simple Mage. HP is 175, Magic Attack is 8 (because it is a magic user so the Magic Attack stat is used), and the recommended player level is 1.


In this example, the experience granted would be 48. It looks confusing, but I find this method much more accurately provides experience points to players. Again, it's all up to personal preference.

As a side note: The above calculation for the mage actually comes to 47.75, rather than 48. I usually round the number for ease of reference, and also because you can't put decimals in the EXP box for MV (I'm not sure if plugins change this).

When it comes to gold drops, I use experience gained as well, however I also use the Luck stat.

The formula I use is:


As you can see, in order to calculate gold, I take the enemy's Experience drop, divide it by the player level, then multiply that figure by the enemy's Luck stat divided by 2.

Let's calculate the gold for the Minotaur and Mage examples above. The Minotaur has a luck of 13, and the Mage has a luck of 2.


So, the Minotaur would drop 1565 Gold, and the Mage would drop 24 Gold.


I hope this tutorial helps make calculating Gold and Experience easier. Each game and person is different and everyone has their own method of calculating these things. So if you use my method (or not), thank you for checking out this tutorial. :)

Remember, you can always ask me questions either here or via PM.


Resident Dragon
Bumping the thread due to the number of new members we've seen, and that I have people asking me questions :)