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Transparency on the Drama

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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Here are two conversations that Xyphien and I had with members, claiming that Amy (and others) had been harassing RT members.
Hmm... I seem to be quoted from Skype in one of those messages. To be perfectly honest, my reason for leaving RT was the same reason I wanted to leave the forum. All due to misinformation and lack of communication.
However, at no point in time was my intention to harass any of the remaining members into leaving and if someone was under the impression that I was being mean to them or whatever, I apologize. I just think it would have been a good idea to talk about these things in RT but I can't seem to recall that it was ever brought up then. We could have talked about the matter directly instead of communicating via another person which would have saved us a lot of misinformation and drama - and ultimately would have prevented me from leaving.

Edit: in fact, after checking the Skype chat and reading back about a month, it was never brought up there. I concede that the (former) Skype RT chat group was very, very chaotic but we could've talked about everything directly.
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Bizarre Monkey

Here are two conversations that Xyphien and I had with members, claiming that Amy (and others) had been harassing RT members.
I see a lot of assumed hostility, yet I don't see any proof of Amy harassing members. I see people talking about it, about her doing it, and I just don't see her doing it to the degree that's being stipulated.

Now if it were me? Yeah, I'm the sort of crazy motherfucker who would try to burn a forum down, that's literally what's kept RMwebs off my back is that they fear me and the danger I pose to them if they try to start shit. The last time they sent one of their attack dogs my way, it was sent home in tears and was still butthurt two years later.

Amy fuckin' hates cliques, she stopped visiting RMW for that very reason, and whoever honestly thinks she'd try to start a revolution here, is probably the sort of person who thought my whole Corporation XVI conspiracy was actually anything more than taking RMwebs' words and using it to bolster my company's appeal.

Amy knew like I did an eventual eruption was inevitable, so she was probably a bit less careful than usual, regardless, the assumptions of her as some sort of half-breed anarchist monster are completely unfair, and really, that would go to me-- if I cared enough to ever do anything, and if I didn't like this place.

I've known Amy for over three years. She's not a creature of infinite kindness or unending tolerance, she's human like me, you or Xyphien-- and if she didn't flip during all the shit with RMwebs, she sure as hell wouldn't flip here.

But the problem isn't on members perse, it's like I said and Kaimen unwittingly reinforced, you guys need to communicate more. Don't fucking scapegoat it on someone you're bitter at, that's weak and pathetic. As if you could bring this forum to any further disgrace.

Do you guys even read some of the stupid shit you post? I managed not to flip, and Amy is a lot more patient than I am.

But again, the fault isn't on anyone member, it's the lack of communication and the hard-locked code of 'don't call people out' which has brought this all on.

You can point fingers all you fucking like, but the problem won't go away until you look at the problem that is you. I barely even got involved in this and have very little reason to care, and even I wanna deck at least three of you for being so quick to find a scapegoat rather than doing some introspection and being like 'MAYBE I SHOULD JUST BE MORE HONEST AND A LITTLE LOUDER'.

That way I wouldn't have to keep looking over at you to tell you you're being stupid.
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Staff member
I see a lot of assumed hostility, yet I don't see any proof of Amy harassing members. I see people talking about it, about her doing it, and I just don't see her doing it to the degree that's being stipulated.
You're right, there was never any proof. And that's why we never took any actions against her.

Don't fucking scapegoat it on someone you're bitter at, that's weak and pathetic.
We haven't turned anyone into a scapegoat. I'm posting everything I have on the recent events because most people around here are confused.
I never once blamed anyone throughout any of my posts, nor did Xyphien. I stated and summarized each event I witnessed, and provided screenshots of them. I didn't point any of my fingers at anyone.


Staff member
I'm locking the thread, because everything that needed to be said has been said.

If you have anything else to say, just PM me.
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