Original Topic: http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/50752-tiled-plugin/
Posting this here as I'm really wanting to spread the awareness of this.
Now I've used TileD for many, many years now for testing out my tilesets rather than importing them via RM. Sadly when VX came around they ditched the 'regular' infinite sheet style, it moved to an auto tile mess of a system and it didn't go away, anyway I digress, MV did the same, however this new plug in is a great thing.
Anyone who hasn't got TileD or doesn't know of it check it out here: http://www.mapeditor.org/
With this new plugin you can use TileD as your map editor and have as many layers as you'd like with a range of tile sizes you'd like to use. In other words another tool to help RM be even more flexible.
This doesn't have to be a 'hey look at this thread' - have you ever used tileD? What do you think of it? Have you ever made anything with it? Will this be of use to you or is it too round about ish and you'd rather stick with what's there?
This thread will also help you with the basics of the program and how to use it with RPG Maker tiles:
Posting this here as I'm really wanting to spread the awareness of this.
Now I've used TileD for many, many years now for testing out my tilesets rather than importing them via RM. Sadly when VX came around they ditched the 'regular' infinite sheet style, it moved to an auto tile mess of a system and it didn't go away, anyway I digress, MV did the same, however this new plug in is a great thing.
Anyone who hasn't got TileD or doesn't know of it check it out here: http://www.mapeditor.org/
With this new plugin you can use TileD as your map editor and have as many layers as you'd like with a range of tile sizes you'd like to use. In other words another tool to help RM be even more flexible.
This doesn't have to be a 'hey look at this thread' - have you ever used tileD? What do you think of it? Have you ever made anything with it? Will this be of use to you or is it too round about ish and you'd rather stick with what's there?
This thread will also help you with the basics of the program and how to use it with RPG Maker tiles: