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This Monkey thinks he arteh.

Bizarre Monkey

I erase quite a bit. Sometimes a drawing will 'morph' from what it was to what it becomes, this may be the best example, where I changed pose entirely.

Though since I've been using Design Doll, I've been able to nail anatomy a lot more, that second drawing of Blu up there is the fruit to that effect.

As for mirroring, despite knowing of it, I so often forget to do it!

Thanks for the feedback, this'll be the... erm, second time! I've relied on design doll-- which I am quickly falling in love with. But I won't start gushing about it, let's get to the arts, hyes!
Sorry, my sister. I... did my best.

A very emotional piece, it's finally my side of the art duel between Xiie and myself, I wanted to really evoke the tragic nature of the fight, particularly Blu's devastation when her sister is made from status of "not-dead" to being quite "diddly gosh darn deadily indeedily" instead!

The Sisters of Virtue is actually an interesting battle, some will go through it the typical way and never think on it, but it actually has two modes, the regular safe mode, which is to nuke Yasondre down first, then deal with Blu. Then there's the hard mode, where you kill Blu first, this is quite difficult to do for a multitude of reasons, the major one being Yasondre casts Clash of Leaves (a spell that makes razor leaf look like it made for weak bulbed bitches) for every 10% increment of HP you drop Blu by, Blu also has a lot more HP than Yasondre does, it will be hard to stay alive long enough just to get to this stage.

At that stage, Yasondre enrages, and she's FAR more dangerous than her sister when she's at that point. This is one of the most brutal hard mode fights in the game, topped only by Esperia's Handmaidens, which alike-- is entirely optional. When Yasondre is brought to within an inch of her life, she sacrifices the last of her power and tells Blu to fight by the heroes side, her dying wish is incredibly emotional, and brings out some humanity in Blu as well, a character that until this point, seemed almost like a robot more than a flawed being.

Interestingly, this means regardless of mode, Yasondre's Demise in the clash is inevitable.


I'm interested in how you used Design Doll. Could you explain what the program is and how you use it with your other art tools?

Bizarre Monkey

Certainly! Design Doll is a 3D model posing / morphing program with a bunch of sliders, the free version you can save but not load the files, but essentially, you can print screen and save an image of the pose, then use that as a traceable image when using Sai or whatever.

A visual aid might be best.

The red lines I drew on a different layer in sai, I matched and in some way adjusted said lines to account for special geometry, but that's essentially how the process goes.

You can find Design Doll here:
Tracing from a 3D render created with design doll is not a violation of the terms of service, so that's really neat.

Also, a bit more art, some stuff I drew on line paper. I'm just gonna link the best one, since some of it is fairly lewd.

I really like how the expression came out.


If you could, would you buy the full version? Does it have any features that you feel you could take advantage of and what features are they?

Bizarre Monkey

Hmm. Not yet! Right now it does all it needs to, but when I go further with 3D modelling it might be incentivized to grab it, it's not overly expensive, like 60 dollars or so if I recall.

Here's a quick cute little comic I did that references one of the conversations in Intelligence 314th Clash, basically at the penthouse if you interact with the fern on the roof this is the new dialogue that plays out, or... okay, not all of it! I added some to fill out the strip more.

[doublepost=1458920971,1458830280][/doublepost]New piece, or pieces. It's been a long time since I did a proper render of Fyori.
Riding the Storm

Was inspired after going on the Brisbane ferry for the first time (which i did entirely for leisure and out of curiosity).

Here's it with Fyori in her traditional outfit.