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Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)


Towns Guard
Hi, everyone!
I wanted to post here some of my artworks. Drawings and things like that mostly.
I'm still a novice, so any advices and/or critiques will be highly appreciated.

I'll start with a quick sketch that took me forever because I, stupid me, started to add details like a mad man.
The result is a drawing with some flaws here and there. Hope you'll like it anyway.
Merry Late Christmas, btw, ehr:
Direct link:

Also this one, a collage of artworks representing OC's from my last game project:
Direct link:

Consider visiting my dA too!
Thanks in advance if you want to support.^^
I just want to get better at doing this.

More to come soon.

See ya!

Bizarre Monkey

He's asking if you use filters in photoshop or another image editing program to enhance the original image.

I really like the heavy contrasted almost comic-book-esque style you got going here.


You definitely have a unique style. I'm more fond of the Manga style myself, but you are unquestionably talented in my opinion.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Your coloring style is a bit too blurry in my opinion, but your choices in color and use of contrast is really nice. You do a nice job of setting up compostitions. :)

@Black Shadow: Please keep your responses longer than 1-2 words - thanks!


Staff member
I like your style. It's pretty cool.
Lots of contrast with really bright and really dark colors.

I really like these works from your dA gallery:



Towns Guard
He's asking if you use filters in photoshop or another image editing program to enhance the original image.
Oh, ok! Sorry, I'm stupid!^^''
I used Photoshop to tweak the saturation of the first image a bit and to make the composition of the second one (put all the characters together and such).

Thank you all for the feedback.^^
I'm still trying to improve myself so feel free to tell me what you like or dislike, I would really appreciate it!

@sage : Thank you! For all the faves on dA also! :) Imma leave you a comment there aswell, shortly. xD
Glad you like them! They're all from my last game project, except for the first one.

More art to come here soon. :)
Thank you again!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I like this style quite a bit, I like the colors you're using as well, I'm not an artist so I can't see any issues like others, but I like what I am seeing. The art from your DA is really good as well.


Staff member
I think you're anatomy is pretty good. The neck is a little off with the shoulders in the first one.
The pose in the first one is also kind of awkward. Finding references of people doing the pose you want should help you fix that.

You should work on the way you color. You color well sometimes, but the soft brush coloring jobs do look a little weird (especially on the hair).
Adding textures to different things would be nice too. You did a good job of that in the clothing for the first one.


Towns Guard
The neck is a little off with the shoulders in the first one.
You mean that is too distant from them?

The pose would make a bit more sense with the background I had in mind, as she is supposedly "saluting" someone while exiting from a window. Needs some adjustments either way, I suppose.

Yea, the clothing in the first one has a bit more detailed shadow, I think. I spent some time with a tiny little brush with that one.
But that doesn't happen always, as I'm a slacker. xD So, yeah.
I'll practice more with the coloring, hair still gives me a lot of trouble. Still hadn't figure out a why to color them properly.


Staff member
You mean that is too distant from them?
The distance between her neck and right shoulder is much greater than the distance from her neck to her other shoulder (it's too far from one and too close to the other), so it looks a little weird. The neck should be like centered between the two.


Towns Guard
And here's that artwork I was doing for my friend's YouTube Channel.
Thank you for the critique and the advices! I tried to make all the necessary adjustments that I could, but the drawing already reached an almost finished status and was... really difficult for me to navigate through all those layers... xD
I did what I could, better luck next time:
Direct Link:


Towns Guard
Long time, no see?
It's a very busy period for me recently, so it's hard to find the time to draw anything at all.
Since it's holiday time, I'll try to fix that.

Starting with this two heavy WIP sketches:

Direct Link:

This one served as practice for female anatomy and facial expressions. I've used veeeeery little shading here.

Direct Link:

This was initially supposed to be some kind of a character study, but ended up bein' a simple random sketch.

Yeah, it's the same girl mirrored to try different haircuts. I prefer the one on the left but... dunno.

