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The "What I'm Cooking" Thread


Staff member
Due to me being the current non-producer of the family, I do most of the cooking. I decided to make a thread for those of us that cook.

For lunch, today, I made some chicken broth for my wife. She is a bit, under the weather.

The primary meal is seasoned and bread crumbed boneless and skinless chicken thighs. I am also going to cook some rice and sweet peas. Still working on what to do for second veggie. I'll probably make an impulse decision on that. :)
Although I can cook, nowadays I don't. Since I'm living on my own, I don't see the point in cooking gourmet meals, but still eat healthily enough. My other half and I are apart at the moment (very sad, convoluted story), but we often share recipe ideas. And then when we are reunited, the kitchen isn't gonna know what hit it! LOL


Staff member
I orchestrated a thanksgiving dinner for me and my friends this year, and I cooked 90% of the dishes on my own.

I made a pineapple glazed ham, a turkey breast with butter and spices, candied yams, and several store-bought dishes.
It was a ton of work and took me 4 hours of constant cooking by myself, but it was fun when people started arriving and cooking things with me.

None of the food got messed up either.

I haven't cooked anything special since. Just a ton of burritos. :P


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I won't start on the main courses until Christmas Eve, but I've been doing all of my pre-Christmas baking. (cheeky)

The gingerbread men won't be done until tomorrow, and I've got another batch of snickerdoodles to make, but I'm getting there!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Just one? I'll have made about 15 dozen cookies by tomorrow - you can have plenty more! (cheeky)

I used to have that problem - in my case it turned out that I had to reduce my baking times, because the cookie sheet was darker than regular ones. Strange stuff. (trying)


Staff member
One is enough for me.

I don't bake too often, so I don't really get to experiment and try to solve anything.