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The Poetry Thread (Rhyme and Free Verse +)


Staff member

Conquering Thoughts

We think we conquer the thoughts of long ago.
Swords and spells, a history we cannot release.
Splintered shields must be let down.
Quickly pick one up, fresh never scratched
Forget daggers, stabbing daggers of the yesterdays.
Oh ye, the tabula rasa, do you job upon us.
Conquering the past, releasing the past.
Freedom. Freedom at last.
We find peace.​


Dragon Goddess
*searches for some old poems*

Once, the night sky was ruled by the Dragon of the Moon,
Scales of silver and blue, her name was Glendelune.
Grace and beauty unmatched, through the stars she flew;
On one fateful night, she met the Dragon God of Blue.

The Moon and Sea danced together--a sweet harmony,
But a dark omen loomed, one they did not foresee.
A great war ravaged the sacred draconic land,
When it was finally over, Glendelune could no longer stand.

Her lifeforce faded slowly--a painful death indeed,
The Blue Dragon mourned at the fate he could not impede.
"Do not cry, O sweet Dragon Blue,"
"You must keep smiling--that is all I ask of you."

The Moon Dragon's life had soon flickered out,
And the Blue Dragon was filled with sorrow and doubt.
He kept with him a scale of silver-blue,
Wishing for her to be born anew.

As a God, his power was great,
But even he could not change fate;
Yet still, he dreamed of her return,
The other gods soon expressed concern.

How they wished to cure their brother's gloom,
Before this grief did consume.
They found a way to create a new soul--
A way for Glendelune's spirit to again become whole.

They told the Blue God of their plot,
Immediately, his attention was caught.
"With a portion of your power and the essence of silver-blue,"
"A new dragon god shall be born through you."

At once the Blue God retrieved the scale of Glendelune,
To this essence he gave power and wished for the return of the Moon.
In a flash of light, the scale did disappear,
Yet left behind, a peculiar sphere.

He brought the sphere to his brothers, and in that moment they knew:
In this tiny blue sphere, a new dragon god grew.
The egg became the Blue Dragon God's new treasure--
His love for it knew no measure.

After years gone away, the egg finally came apart;
The Blue God was happy at last--for him, it was a new start.
He raised the dragoness as his own,
Knowing this was the only way for him to atone.

She was a handful, a rebellious little one,
She was spoiled and strong, always having fun.
Yet as she grew older, the Blue Dragon saw only Glendelune--
For the God could never forget, his love for the Dragon of the Moon.

fun fact: The dragoness born at the end of the poem is the same one from my avatar!


Staff member

Tiny lightnings flash among the dark.
Crinkling zaps, crinkling pops.
Friction to anoint the dryness.
Some purposed and others accidents awaiting the awakening.
The voice, cravings of that voice.
Its name, its name?



Oh are we digging up old poems? I made this one for @Micro [about a million years] ago.

The Knight
There is a man I shall mention
his life was filled with much tension

He is a courageous man
who dreams a righteous plan

He wished to become a noble knight
and this had become his greatest sight

To protect the weak from despair
and if there was trouble, he would be there

To fight with honor and defend
he would fight until the bitter end

But in order to advance higher
he must first become a squire

His father he shall ask
to help him fulfill his most important task

The plea was all for naught
and the man had become most distraught

But this was not the end
for with his mother he could depend

Her heart was pure as gold
and to his father she had told

"Why not sponsor our dear son?"
"I shall not forgive you if the deed is not done!"

and with her threat his father did comply
the man could now begin to fly!

So a squire he did become
an honor only held by some

A knight he served, named Sir Ryan Trawl
who taught him well in sword and brawl

The man was tasked with doing good deeds
and he waits in a place to pick up leads

The place was not all too far
for it was at the local bar

Then one day entered a lovely maid
and on her face his eyes had laid

Her hair was black as the night sky
and her face was fair as the moon up high

As she approached his heart began to quicken
was it love that he has been stricken?


Staff member
Actually @Macro all my poetry is made up on the spot; additionally the only time I ever rhyme is if I am in a free style rapping performance. My wife might have some of the ones I made for her, yet those are for her. (heart)


I haven't written in a loooong time, I need to be in [a certain mood], but it's really rare for me to be in that kind of mood these days.


Cyborg Kiwi
The Pale Man
There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely.
Everyone must meet this man, so they shunned him.

With every second, with every breath, the pale man slowly began to disappear,
into the place of nothingness, where it is always dim.

So, he took an axe, and split himself in two to cleanse him of his fear.
He would then go on, to always have a friend.

They would be together, until the end.
They would be together, until they must ascend,

Into the skies above,
which they both knew, they would love.

(Inspiration: Kindred's Tale from League of Legends)
Still quite adept at poems, isn't quite my thing to be honest.


Dragon Goddess
"Love Letter"
My world blanketed in dark snow,
Where? I had no where to go.
Felt so lost, so lonely,
How I wished, "if only."

Tried my best to make it through,
Looking out at the world with my jaded view.
How I tried to see it all,
Yet I could only see my fall.

A heart so empty, a heart so cold,
By ghosts of the past I was controlled.
A faint little smile,
So soft and fragile.

Wandered I did, for many a year,
Trying, trying, to conceal that fear...
I held it all in, sealed away,
Yet I wanted to believe, somehow it'd be okay.

Buried myself in meaningless things--
Losing myself, a puppet without strings.
Sat so still and silently,
From this darkness, would I ever be free?

As the lights did grow dim,
It was then that I saw him.
It was then I saw: that faint little smile.
Ah, 'twas so soft and fragile ...

Our eyes met, a new bond made--
For an instant, my heart felt swayed.
Your words, soft and warm,
Yet in your heart I saw the storm.

As time passed I wondered, if you could be like me,
As time passed I wondered, if you saw the things I see.
The more we spoke, the more I knew,
What I was missing, it must be you.

The laughs we shared, the hands we held,
In those sweet moments, my pain dispelled.
If only for a moment, I felt so light,
If only for a moment, it felt so right.

With each day, these feelings only grew;
I couldn't help but wonder: do you feel the same way too?
Trouncing over those fields of doubt,
It was time for the truth to come out.

And so I told you that secret in my heart:
"I don't want to be apart."
"I love you, it's very true,"
"Tell me; do you feel it too?"

Since then, my love has only grown,
I know ... I will never be alone.
I am so joyful in your embrace,
At your side, that is my place.

My dear, are you smiling?
Hmm.. did you know, I find you so beguiling?
Ah, the hours are growing late,
Come now, let's go on a date!

Just once more before we retire,
Just a little longer, let me admire...
Those sweet lips and loving smile,
I want to look at you for a while...

And as we prepare to drift away,
Won't you be happy when I say...

"You are the song I sing at night,"
"You are the dream that gives me light."
"You are my gentle lullaby,"
"You are the apple of my eye."

My dearest, I belong to you,
You know, "I'm stuck to you like glue!"

Hee hee, was that a cheesy line?
Rephrase: "You are mine."
You make me feel - Ah! - so divine!
Together... we can truly shine.

Before we sleep, a final kiss;
Ah, your lips -- the meaning of bliss!
Good night, good night, my beloved one,
Wake me in the morning, my beloved morning sun.