11, the level of MinisterJay right now.
11, the first Ocean's movie.
11, meaning 3 in binary code
11, the number of characters in
Hello World
11, the current version of WebStorm
11, which is (apparently :P) the 5th prime number
11, the maximum rating you can get for a game in Game Dev Tycoon
11, the amount of hours I wasted with this post, nah, that's a lie.
11, the current amount of members online!
11, the non-decimal percentage of alcohol in a dutch Grolsch Kanon (= Cannon), in reality, it's 11.6% FYI.
11, the amount of nonsense I just typed.
@MinisterJay. I'm totally mad at you right now. 10 is the number of days it took for Brendan Eich to create JavaScript!