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The Force Awakens[NO SPOILERS]


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I must admit that, sadly, I grew up with the prequels and when I was a kid I thought those were the most amazing movies ever. Well... things have changed since then. :D
I felt that Episode VII does what popular movies these days do - provide room to escape reality. People don't care about plot, they want 3D and fancy effects. You could also see how they tried to implement certain trends that are going on in the movie and TV show business nowadays. And while some say certain things might have been forced (I love using this word when talking about a Star Wars movie by the way) I certainly didn't feel like that at all. I guess I interpreted things differently.
As for that whole Han and Chewy's bowcaster thing: I didn't sit there thinking "oh, so crossbows are awesome now because of The Walking Dead, so you need to do this too now, Star Wars", no, I sat there thinking "wow, after all that time traveling together Han didn't even pay attention to his partners weapon (as that's a thing that wouldn't interest a Han Solo anyway) so it's cool to see his genuine first reaction while he uses it for the first time". Wow... that sounded a lot better in my head...
It's just like when interpreting a classic piece of literature - there is no true answer as to what it means.
It's all a perspective thing really. Personally, I'm glad that they managed to capture the genuine Star Wars atmosphere. All the parallels to the original trilogy and the easter-eggs I noticed throughout the movie gave me that feel that I wanted to have.
Yes, there are plot holes. Yes, some of the characters are lacking common sense. Yes, some things are plainly stupid. But guess what: there is no such thing as the perfect movie. And with that vast fanbase Star Wars has you're not gonna be able to please everyone. Try finding a genuine objective piece of critique about Episode VII. People either didn't care about the movie or were drowning in expectations.
I thought the movie was amazing overall. The only thing I don't like is that they are changing directors for episodes VIII and IX. And one of them happens to be the guy who directed Jurassic World. And in that movie the freaking Raptors had more character development than the characters. So... I don't know what to think of that. J.J. Abrams did an outstanding job on Episode VII and I wish they kept him...


I am late for this .-. But I think the movie is awesome!
good action, have some good pacing and likeable character.
However I don't really dig the villain, because Darth Vader is better.