So, I was just over at another webmaster website and I posted in the community showcase area as what is the normal for most webmaster sites, and webmasters to do. For example, this website, webgurubb, TheAdminZone, and a few others. I then got a reply stating I offended the owner by doing so (Which was by no means my intention of doing so) and that I can't do it, and if I don't explain why the site is different he was going to remove my post. I then explained it's what most webmaster sites do and I didn't mean any offense. In the post I mentioned TheAdminZone, and wasn't able to post because that word was censored, I then went and tried typing TAZ instead, and that word was censored. I haven't seen this type of strict no similar niche advertisements on a website in a while. After responding I found that the post is now deleted, and the directory post is as well.
This being said, what is your opinion on people banning everything that relates to another site in the same niche? Be completely honest with this.
This being said, what is your opinion on people banning everything that relates to another site in the same niche? Be completely honest with this.