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Specific Random Request Codes

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Hello everyone, StatusGearEntertainment here actually asking for more. Once in a blue moon my ideas get blocked out with the software's limitations and when I can't figure out after some hours, I resort to here. I'm looking for specific codes that should cut down on work. Most of my game's features rely on the capability of random variables so that the game is always different every time you play.
  • I'm looking for a code that sets a batch of variables from ## to ## and set each of them randomly. Now in RMMV, there is a code for this but it sets all those variables as the same value. All of them will be that 1 random number. I need all the variables to be completely random. Is there no way for a code similar to "Set variables 1 - 10 and randomize each variable with a value randomly from 1 - 20"
  • I'm also looking for a simple code that randomly displays balloon icons in a random order.
  • Also pick and choose animations in a random order from animation ID to ID.
  • Also set waiting frames at random from Number to Number
  • Set a time at random from Time to Time.
In fact, it would be just safer to assume that I want a randomized equation for anything. skills, movement, etc. Things that you can't normally access in the 3 pages of commands.

Very Respectfully,
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If you can show me the code you're talking about or navigate me to it, I can probably edit it to make it have random variables.

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer

I'm wanting this but in a single line of code and still produce the same effect. Something like:
Control Variables : #0001..#0020 = Random 0..20

Because the known batch method sets 1 - 20 the same value. All 20 will have the same number. I don't want that. I want all them individually randomized. This goes for just about anything as well like

Show Balloon Icon : Player, Random 0..14
Show Animation : Player, Random 0..100
Wait: Random 0..60 Frames

Control Timer: Start, Random 0 min, 0 sec..1 min, 10 sec

I'm looking for these types of codes.
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Unfortunately I can't help you much there (When you said code earlier I thought you had meant a js code, whoops)
Putting it all in a range seems to have the same effect as putting them in different lines, though, but I don't think it helps with what the problem is.

Also, I may not know my way around variables yet, but I'm somewhat experienced in JS and could probably write you up a script call for the balloon randomizers and possibly others ;u;

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Unfortunately I can't help you much there (When you said code earlier I thought you had meant a js code, whoops)
Putting it all in a range seems to have the same effect as putting them in different lines, though, but I don't think it helps with what the problem is.
If you could make that a JS plugin that would be awesome. Whatever gets it to work. ^_^

Also, I may not know my way around variables yet, but I'm somewhat experienced in JS and could probably write you up a script call for the balloon randomizers and possibly others ;u;
:O Really? Teach me your ways! I wish to learn. ( * n*)/