I always have busts for main characters, portraits for important NPCs and nothing for everyone else. Sounds good to me. :)I think I'm going to remove all bust images and face images and stick with only the message window and actor name for all NPCs except for main characters. What do you think?
Okay umm lol I will stick with front view battles, for a few reasons, one is I never actually completed a game using only front view, and the second reason is being able to use the battler image as a bust as well lol.However, I need to know if it will be front view (Dragon Warrior style) or Side View
I know wize, at first I though hmmm I don't think anyone will like this game, then the story started, then the concept art came, then maps and screenshots showed up and now it's an epic sock quest with nice music.at first I was like?!?!?!?!? what sillyness is this?!? --- and then I saw the concept art. love it.
Will do haha.To let you know, Once the monster curse got in my body while i'm in socks form, I would be turned into the orange sock monster, after the heroes defeat me (the orange sock monster), I would be turned back to my socks form.
I would love to see a "Wize Sock" if Rise Evil can do a concept art for the Wize Sock I would love to fit you into the game.i wanna be Wize Sock, with a long guru beard and a cane
I wonder if @Rise Evil make an concept art of the orange sock monster?Will do haha.
What's important NPCs to you? I'm thinking of leaving out faces/busts for all townpeople including shopkeepers and leaving only faces/busts for the hero, and the main sock characters. Oh btw, I must have downloaded at least 8 of your tracks for this game :)I always have busts for main characters, portraits for important NPCs and nothing for everyone else. Sounds good to me. :)
Important NPCs are, to me, the ones that are in some way relevant to the plot. Not your ordinary next-door "I AM ERROR". :)What's important NPCs to you? I'm thinking of leaving out faces/busts for all townpeople including shopkeepers and leaving only faces/busts for the hero, and the main sock characters. Oh btw, I must have downloaded at least 8 of your tracks for this game :)
Alright guys I will have some updates soon, I have a few scripts and kinks worked out and I'm shooting for a small gameplay video of at least 2-3 minutes, if I can get a battler in time for the video it should shoot up to about 5 minutes of video. So expect some sock madness in the near future :)
Awsome, I guess I will request when I get the full details of the story . I do have one you can start with soon , and that would be the Sock Fairy as she is the one I need around the beginning of the game. All I need are colors, I'm not sure if @Rise Evil decided on colors for the sock fairy, if not, then you could go ahead and make a sprite from this image with whatever colors you want and then Rise Evil could just match thatI'm up for helping with pixel art/artwork if you need it. Just give me a heads up c:
Excellent, I'll try to do that tomorrow night hopefully or after tomorrow if I'm not too tired ^^Okay umm lol I will stick with front view battles, for a few reasons, one is I never actually completed a game using only front view, and the second reason is being able to use the battler image as a bust as well lol.
I'm excited to see :)Excellent, I'll try to do that tomorrow night hopefully or after tomorrow if I'm not too tired ^^
That'ts okay, it will be easier on me using defualt front view. Would you be willing to do some facesets?, not emo sets but a few npcs like his mom and dad and some other important npcs.I haven't made them before, nope! Not that I couldn't try, lol, I'm just not familiar with the animations for it.