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simple question


i need to hide levels in all areas. i accomplished this in ace by altering the mini status and status... how should i go about it in mv?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Like hide the display of all levels in the game? I attached a quick script I made to hide all level display in all windows, not sure if it's what you're looking for though.



Like hide the display of all levels in the game? I attached a quick script I made to hide all level display in all windows, not sure if it's what you're looking for though.
The script didn't actually hide the levels for me at all... I'm guessing its because I'm using yanfly's menu scripts... maybe I can alter his script by looking at yours to see how you planned for it to work.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Actually, it's probably because I rushed it and had a few issues with the script lol. Here is updated script, place below all yanfly scripts and let me know if it works.



Actually, it's probably because I rushed it and had a few issues with the script lol. Here is updated script, place below all yanfly scripts and let me know if it works.
Window_Base.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(actor, x, y) {
this.drawText(TextManager.levelA, x, y, 48);
this.drawText(actor.level, x + 84, y, 36, 'right');

Window_Base.prototype.drawActorSimpleStatus = function(actor, x, y, width) {
var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
var x2 = x + 180;
var width2 = Math.min(200, width - 180 - this.textPadding());
this.drawActorName(actor, x, y);
this.drawActorLevel(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 1);
this.drawActorIcons(actor, x, y + lineHeight * 2);
this.drawActorClass(actor, x2, y);
this.drawActorHp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight * 1, width2);
this.drawActorMp(actor, x2, y + lineHeight * 2, width2);

Window_Status.prototype.drawExpInfo = function(x, y) {
var lineHeight = this.lineHeight();
var expTotal = TextManager.expTotal.format(TextManager.exp);
var expNext = TextManager.expNext.format(TextManager.level);
var value1 = this._actor.currentExp();
var value2 = this._actor.nextRequiredExp();
if (this._actor.isMaxLevel()) {
value1 = '-------';
value2 = '-------';
this.drawText(expTotal, x, y + lineHeight * 0, 270);
this.drawText(expNext, x, y + lineHeight * 2, 270);
this.drawText(value1, x, y + lineHeight * 1, 270, 'right');
this.drawText(value2, x, y + lineHeight * 3, 270, 'right');

it has to be somewher in there... thats the rpg_window file i pulled those from... i tried erasing every line that displayed level text... idk. there has to be some plugin interference or something.

it didnt work lol
[doublepost=1456191314,1456191184][/doublepost]Actually, I'm 90% sure its the simple status i -really- need to modify because my status window is the yanfly status and its easy to remove there... just the simple status thats boggling me.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
When you share code you should put them in the code tags, it makes it really hard to read without them (wink)
Which scripts are you using? Are you able to put together a small demo that I could see? The script I provided literally overwrites the main function which draws the actors level. The scripts you showed me are literally calling the main function this.drawActorLevel() which in my script replaces it completely.

If you locate this bit of code here and comment out the middle part, it should achieve what you're looking for.
Window_Base.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(actor, x, y) {
this.drawText(TextManager.levelA, x, y, 48);
this.drawText(actor.level, x + 84, y, 36, 'right');
This code below is it commented out, try replacing the original part with this one below, but like I was syaing the script I provided should work unless another scirpt is overwriting it, but placing my script below all other scripts should fix that issue. So A demo would be nice so I can see what is going on.
Window_Base.prototype.drawActorLevel = function(actor, x, y) {
//this.drawText(TextManager.levelA, x, y, 48);
//this.drawText(actor.level, x + 84, y, 36, 'right');


It's so amazing how simple the end solution was. I had to figure it out first though. Apparently Yanfly's core engine rewrites those functions, so I just edited them within his script and boom - no more levels displayed... Now to make exp a currency to buy statistics and skills.... I may just erase it as well and use the JP system already in place... I wonder if I should use both JP and XP....
[doublepost=1456193250,1456192690][/doublepost]idk what yanfly's policy is regarding releasing altered versions of his scripts, but I will post if I get the go-ahead.