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Show off your mapping skills


Staff member
Resource Team
This can include custom graphics as well. Wanna show off your mapping skills? :D Good or not, if you like it, and wanna show it, post it :)

Here's my "Island village". Looks a little awkward without events but hey =D


Praised Adventurer
This is how the Sample Maps can end up, in this case it started off as the Forest Map. It is now Forest South, one of five inter-connected Maps that constitute my Forest region, a small part of the Overworld...

One enters lower left, there's a serpentine passage winding through to upper right, where it links to the next, different Forest (equally inspired by and adapted from another Sample Map...). The Events that are just about visible at this scale are creatures roaming the forest or flying over the canopy. To be avoided, in case of encounter, a chase will ensue until either one of the Party is bitten, or the beast tires and goes back to ambling. Although there are bridges, there is equally a more difficult stream to be crossed; enough fertiliser to have the lilies grow is recommended to be able to continue, without which... return to whence you came and obtain some..!
Here's a map from Otherworld. It's from the Realms of the Invisibles.


EDIT: Funny thing, this is actually a map in Otherworld, though obviously there's something there. You just can't see it (without the proper item).
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I'm still designing mapping layouts, but have been working on lighting effects at night time.

Used 4 plugins for the lighting effects:
Soul's Thomasedison MV plugin (source lighting)
Terraxlighting plugin (ambient lighting and shadows)
Somerandomdudes WindowLayers plugin (corner moon rays layer)
LTN's DayNight and required plugins (set to 11pm screen tinting)


Towns Guard
I'm still designing mapping layouts, but have been working on lighting effects at night time.

Used 4 plugins for the lighting effects:
Soul's Thomasedison MV plugin (source lighting)
Terraxlighting plugin (ambient lighting and shadows)
Somerandomdudes WindowLayers plugin (corner moon rays layer)
LTN's DayNight and required plugins (set to 11pm screen tinting)
Nice map. Also it's have story? And is it from game?
[doublepost=1481421203,1481347410][/doublepost]Also another map now in tileset stage.

Maybe it can stay in tileset stage but still can be better.
Also this map is going to have versions such a mines, farms, storage and more.



@Minakill: Yup, this is the first scene of one of the four prologue chapters of the story. But anymore info would be OT in this topic lol. And yup, I had to use screen cap in-game to get the lighting effects to show. : )

Killer Gin

Towns Guard
I guess I'll show a couple maps of my game: Killer Gin. ;0)

Without events the maps look very empty, especially the first one.
They are also all missing proper lighting but Oh well, you get the idea

Lich Lair Fl3.png Dark Forest23.png Dark Forest11.png Shinata Village.png
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Are you used your tileset/s or others or use parallax mapping also your base or others parallax tiles?
I make up my own custom tilesets as I go. This one is mostly RTP edits. The walls are by the talented Ayene-chan on DiviantArt and there are also a few bits and bobs from the new FSM Town of Beginnings tileset (which is fantastic). Thus far I have not done any parallax maps - I prefer to create what I need in a tileset, but I might have a go at it in the future.


Towns Guard
I make up my own custom tilesets as I go. This one is mostly RTP edits. The walls are by the talented Ayene-chan on DiviantArt and there are also a few bits and bobs from the new FSM Town of Beginnings tileset (which is fantastic). Thus far I have not done any parallax maps - I prefer to create what I need in a tileset, but I might have a go at it in the future.
Thanks for info. :)