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[Scripting]Picture Animations on moving screens


Hi! I'm trying to use the battlers of the monsters as the picture of a event. That is ok, i can do that, but the problem rises when i try to animate it. I don't want to make charsets because i'v much more options with pictures (like making it change collors, jumping, resize, etc...) and don't have much skills with it too. And when i try to make a simple breath animation on the picture it moves together with the screen while doing one of the steps of the animation. That is because i must set a value of x and y of the screen to make the animation and that value isn't updated until the end of the animation (even without the wait) :/

What i want to know is: How i change the scaleY of the picture without moving it?
the best i could do was find a function to find the value of the scaleY (i don't have much knowledge on javascript, i just see some plugins and figure some things out)

$gameScreen._pictures[1].scaleY(); // i wasn't able to change it because i don't know how (tried = 150; a number inside the (), setScale, scale.y and etc...)(aww)(sad)(tears)(cry)(shocked)(unsee)


Local Hero
you should use it like this :

$gameScreen.showPicture(pictureId, name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode)


you should use it like this :

$gameScreen.showPicture(pictureId, name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode)
yeah, but the problem is if i use like that it will move the image to the coordenates x,y and when the animation is declared the value of x and y are saved as they were in the moment of the declaration, so if i try to animate a image that should be at the same place as an event it would move to the position x and y of the event in the screen at the moment of the declaration and if i move the screen the x and y will not be updated until the end of the animation. The image will follow the screen during the animation.

what i wanted was to either move the image to a map coordenate and not a screen one or use a command to just resize the Y.
the best i could find was the function to get the scaleY of a picture, but i wasn't able to change the scaleY only.

i guess the best solution for now is to use screen sized maps everytime :/


Local Hero
Could you make me a demo that shows this for me? Or even better send me a sample project where this accures


a video with some balloons (because the idiom is different), i was going to do a video now so it was more fast to do it, but tell me if you still need a demo/project: