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Script request: Modular Maps - would this be possible?


I'm contemplating a game centered around building/rebuilding a town. The player would be able to choose which buildings to repair/build and in what order.
The pragmatic approach would be to create different maps for the different combinations. If you only have three buildings that could be constructed in any random order, you'd need 8 different maps. More, if the buildings had multiple versions, like in Warcraft. And if there are more buildings, well.

So the idea is to make modular maps.
You have one basic map of the town as it is in the very beginning.
Then you add "sub-maps" that basically only contain single buildings or stuff - the ones you want to add. Like a school, a marketplace, a park, or maybe even just a single tree.
Via plugin command (something like ModMap_add(mapID, xPosition, yPosition) ), you insert the sub-map into the actual map before it is loaded.

I do not know if that is even possible, as the map would probably have to be stored internally, or be rebuilt every time the player enters it.

My knowledge of scripting, especially in RPG Maker is very limited. Any experienced scripters out there who could give me some input?
This script already exists I think, well in a form I think you might be able to use.

estriole has a build and decor series of plugins. The demo is in the link check it out see if it might be something you can use.
Hm... the plugin basically just allows you to place graphics. That would be interesting for placing furniture in houses. These graphics are way too small tho, my houses tend to be larger. Not sure if that wouldn't cause problems, as the graphics may become larger than the screen. Usually I make them 1/2 of the interior size. So if the interior is 20 tiles wide, the house would be 10 tiles wide. However, one of the buildings I have in mind is a small castle.
Also, I do not need/wish to actually place the houses. They would appear at a certain position.


Food for though, you can use the EST "event spawner plugin", Galv has one as well, and set each of the building images to an event. When you set certain Triggers you can have a different event spawn containing the image of the "reconstructed" building.

You could also build the buildings in the Editor - export it to a graphics program save it as a .png and add the (crap I can't remember which the ! or $) too the front for oversized sprite. to add your custom built building to the event.

Sidenote I would use the same sized buildings throughout for destroyed to reconstructed and use a collision plugin to stop walkthough.
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