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Nero Akuryoo

Hello everybody, hope you guys are doing well. I'm Nero Akuryoo, and I've been messing around with RPG Maker since the VX days and also a Digital Games Development student. Now with MV out and after some months of experience under my belt with it and some years working in small personal projects, I finally feel confident enough to try to make a game for other people to play. But that is a topic for another thread.

RPGs are my favorite game genre, be it tabletop or digital, but I have a particular soft spot for the ones in the JRPG format. Mainly because I like to favor story over liberty, so the structure they are build is pleasant to me. And since we are at it, the high fantasy kind of scenery is the one I like to work the most. Not that I don't enjoy more furutisc or present days scenerys, but I don't feelatracted to them at first glance.

As for development skills: I pretty confident in my eventing abilities, as well in my writting, although my grammar isn't my strong point. I'm also confident in my capacity to create game idea and develop them, specially because I've always been limited in the art and scripts/plugin fields in my personal projects.

My main reason to join the forum is because I'm starting a project that I plan to put out there for people to play. Probably even on steam or some similar platform. And since this forum was dedicated to RPG Maker I thought it was a good idea to schearch for informatio, divulge and maybe even see if some people would be interested in helping me.

This is it for my introduction, thanks for reding and I hope to see you again soon.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Well hello there and welcome to the chaotic community, and I hope you enjoy your stay here and wish you the best of luck with your projects.

Achieving for steam or some similar platform, huh? That's a pretty nice goal if I do say so myself.

I hope you're doing well too!


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the crazy house! :D You have some admirable goals :D Feel free to ask questions, and maybe even post something in the Project Recruitment forum if you're interested :)


Global Moderator
Hey Nero, good to see ya! Er, meet you, but you get the point. It's good to see you're full of confidence! Let's build it up even further! I love JRPGs. Do you have any favorites you'd recommend? I've been playing a lot by Kemco on android recently. So many moving moments. It's inspiring. >w< Fantasy tends to attract me most too, even though I mostly write Sci-Fi half the time. Even when I try making it fantasy, it ends up Sci-Fi! At least, that's how it is for my novel work.

You noted you're confident in your writing outside your grammar. What's your strongest point with it? I'm fairly confident in my grammar and dialogue work, but to be honest, I'm still not so happy with my ability to describe a scene well. I'm learning though, slowly but surely. I've been writing since I was a kid, and editing since then too.

I hate to note that I can see why you lack confidence in your grammar, but as an editor by profession, I can totally feel my brain wanting to snuggle all the words you've written and fix them up. That said, you're not as bad as you probably think. No one can be as bad as my first job at the magazine I work for...*shivers*

Anyway, nice meeting you. Let's be good friends! I'm sure you'll find lots of info, people to talk to in general, help...and maybe people you'll end up helping yourself plenty, too! :D

Nero Akuryoo

Well, outside of the main ones like the Tales and The Legend of the Heroes series I do recommend series like Mana Khemia (a really fun one to play through, speacilly because I'm one of those that like completing stuff in general), Star Ocean (a very good mix of sci-fi and medieval fantasy) and one that I think it's the most underrated of all: Adventures to Go. It's really funny, and the way they play with certaing thropes of JRPGs in general is pretty clever.

And as for my strongest point... Being honest, I never thought about it. I mean, I know I can write and keep people interested, but I never thought much what was my strongest point in it. But if I had to say, it's the diaolog between characters. When I'm really inspired I can make some very good conversations, mainly because I don't like to do exposition, so I try to convey the most I can indirectly.

I know I could be worse, I've had my fair share with conversation with people with broken english. But I'm too conscious about this in particular to let it go.