Absolutely loving your artwork! And I admire people who can create art in paint programs, not something I've ever been able to do. My favourite medium is watercolours as well. Back when I was in school (quite some time ago now), I did a pencil shade/watercolour blend of the earth with nuke mushroom clouds and a crucifixion in the centre. My art teacher, a devout Christian, loved it so much she hung it outside the Principal's office (a place I seemed to visit often, though not always out of choice), so I could see it. I didn't think it was any good, but she gave top marks for it and I never got it back.
I recently upgraded to Windows 10, which I said was not going to happen, and will be finally experimenting with my own cartoons. I have two weeks' vacation after this week, so it'll give a bit of time to write and create them. :)