1. No spamming.
This includes:
- Double-posting before 72 hours have passed. If you feel you aren’t getting enough attention, try waiting a while and updating with new content.
- Necroposting, or posting on old threads that can no longer provide any valuable discussion.
- Sending PMs in order to advertise.
- Posting short responses (1-2 words) that do not add to the discussion.
- Posting in a non-English language.
2. Be respectful of your fellow members.
- Insulting, flaming, mocking, or otherwise harassing other members will not be tolerated here.
- If you disagree with someone, try to keep it civilized and respect everyone else. If the disagreement starts getting heated, move it to a PM.
3. Keep advertising to a minimum.
- Do not advertise other communities or websites unless it’s relevant to the discussion in question. Otherwise it will be considered spam.
Exceptions include:
- Youtube videos and informative articles.
- Your own production websites.
- Steam and other gaming profiles.
- Links to your creations in the Resource/Game sections.
- If you are unsure of whether you should post something, feel free to ask either
@Xyphien or myself.
4. Do not post or discuss ways to get any games or materials illegally.
- This includes requesting, discussing, or posting links/tutorials to find torrents, rips, keygens, cracks, or anything of that nature. You
will get banned for it.
5. Stay on topic, and don’t take over another user’s thread.
This includes:
- Asking for materials in another user’s request thread.
- Going off on an unrelated tangent in a thread.
- If you find your thread running off topic, consider starting a new thread regarding the derailing topic.
6. Keep adult content to a minimum.
- Give proper warning when posting any potentially NSFW material.
- Swearing isn’t prohibited, but please refrain from doing so excessively.
- Avoid posting any sort of nudity.
7. Keep your forum signature under 300 pixels high.
- If any of your images are links are too long, you can hide them in spoilers.
8. Do not deliberately post any offensive or controversial material.
This includes:
- Making controversial posts or topics, such as those regarding politics, religion, unless the discussion involves game design.
- Posting anything you feel can cause hurt feelings or offend others, etc.
9. Do not steal or plagiarize any creator's work.
- Do not post or upload another person’s work without their permission.
- Do not claim another person's work as your own.
- Do not link to any illegal copies of anyone's work. (see rule #4)
10. Keep status updates and profile posts clean.
This includes:
- Making your posts no longer than 5 lines long.
- Not posting excessively - if your name appears more than twice in the status update area, that’s too much!
11. Do not take staff matters into your own hands.
This includes:
- Trying to warn about or call out a member’s actions without reporting the thread.
- Using “mod voice” (bright/colored text) to state rules or suggestions.
- Trying to create an “official” forum event without permission.
12. If you have any problems with a staff member, follow the chain of command:
- If you have a complaint about an RT member, contact their RT leader.
- If you have a complaint about an RT leader, Support Staff, etc. contact a moderator.
- If you have a complaint about a moderator, contact an admin.
If you see anyone breaking the rules, please notify an admin or moderator by either tagging us in the thread, reporting the post, or sending a PM.