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RPG Maker MV Tutorial: Three Strike System ( Using a variable)

Hi everyone,

I created a tutorial on how to do a 3 strike system. This three strike system will be used for my game , "Francelette's Story" . It uses a variable and conditional branches . It will be one of the ways for a game over in our game

For those who want it in text format:

Step 1: Make sure you assign the three strike system to one of the characters of your choice. It can be your main hero or heroine (in my example, I chose Francelette, since she is the main heroine)

Step 2: Create a variable to use for the character and make sure to remember which variable number it is for reference

Step 3: Make a common event for this IF you would like to keep it for the rest of the game

Step 4: The first event in the common event for the three strike system is going to be a conditional branch . This conditional branch needs the following :

A) Set the conditional branch to where the actor you want to have the three strike system implemented on. (Go to tab 2 of the Conditional Branch menu, then select "Actor"

B) Click the radio button "State"

C) Set the state to Knockout or what ever you put for a knocked out character

Step 5: Under this continual branch, put another one under it. This time, in tab 1, click the "Variable" radio button. Set the variable to the variable you put as "Strikes" or some name similar to it

Step 6: For this example, I allowed the player to have three chances, so we will go up to 3 strikes , but it is up to you how many strikes you will allow, but keep in mind that for the last strike, its a game over

Step 7: Use this module to help you out

If strikes = 1
Show Text: This is your first strike

If Strikes = 2
Show Text: For getting your second strike, you will lose 10 gold, 10 kindness points, etc
Set gold, items, etc : -=10

If Strikes=3
Show Text : Three strikes! Your game is over
Game over
Return to Title Screen


This will only work if the character remains knocked out at the end of battle without being revived. If the character is revived and survives the battle, no strike is given. If the character is still out at the end of battle, you will get the strike

Here is a look at the actual event for more reference

NOTE: This version is using a "Second Chance" system add-on which uses another mechanic I'm putting into my game. If you would like me to teach you this, feel free to comment