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[RMMV] Modus Operandi

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Name Modus Operandi
Created By Status Gear Entertainment
Genre(s) [Action] [Roleplay] [Sandbox] [Graphic Adventure] [Interactive Drama]
Rating 12+
Version INDEV 0.0.1 (18.OCT.2015)

"Modus Operandi" is Latin for "method of operation" and that is what this game is. You are a normal person who, like anyone else these days, doesn't know what to do with themselves after they graduate high school. Yours teachers and parents pester you greatly about what you should be doing with your life but none of it seems no fun for you. You must find out the modus operandi of life and see what fits your needs. However there is a catch, every time you play the game, each new game is always different. We live in a world were anything is possible whether you believe in luck or destiny or none of it at all. Something out of the ordinary is bound to happen and it looks like it is your lucky day.

This game allows you to walk around where ever you want and literally perform any type of task big or small. Anything from kicking rocks around all day to working at a fast food service job. You can interact with anything and sure as believe that anything is bound to react with you some time or another. All events are at random so you could one day save the world for all we know. You could time travel while you're adventuring if you believe in that. Aliens might come and get you if you walk in the wrong spot at night. The mafia could be after you because you look like Larry who smuggled all the money from them. Whatever it is, it's going to happen and why you? Because life isn't as fun if you didn't have something that made no sense come your way.

Fear not, there is a story line to this if you choose to follow it. One day, this tourist pops up completely lost and starts asking you for directions. Rather than pointing them out on a map, it seems like a less boring idea that you should take them around site seeing. The only problem is every time you take them site seeing, something always goes bad. Oh...and by the way...your tourist is a princess of country sneaking away from the public to enjoy life. Don't mess up. Secret Service is watching.

More Soon To Come!!
Very Respectfully,
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey sounds fun, so it's like a sim game with a story? I never embarked down the sim style game and I don't think I will due to me not knowing the genre enough but I am curious how this project will progress. Hope to see updates soon :D

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Hey sounds fun, so it's like a sim game with a story? I never embarked down the sim style game and I don't think I will due to me not knowing the genre enough but I am curious how this project will progress. Hope to see updates soon :D
I wanna say something along the lines of the Elder Scrolls games mixed with some Tell Tale Games all blended in at random like a nice morning mocha. ^_^


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Wow, that's something I haven't seen before. I'm curious how it's gonna turn out. It's definitely something I would sink my [enter random body part here] into. :P


There is such a thing as 'too open-ended'. I love this idea in theory; I'd love to see it kick butt in action. Except, if you're going to keep players entertained, then you're going to need to have some other system beyond random events. Not many people will want to play a game with no clear direction (despite everything being interactive, which is a quaint thing bound to become less attractive over time) unless there are goals--just like in real life. For example, you could have a wishing fountain that the player can throw money into every day--maybe you can have them pick a wish and it be granted at a later date (something to look forward to). Or you can let them develop a certain skill that will help them better perform at a tournament, or contest, etc (like people do in real life).

Basically, things that distract the player whilst they're waiting for the next random thing to happen. Lest they get tired of waiting.

Edit: I'm just gonna throw it out there too--this will be re-he-heeeeeally complicated to event and script together, if everything is interactive and you can do just about anything.

Here's my biggest question-- interactive 'how'? Do you mean when you click on something, you get a text pop-up describing what you do/it does? Because that's neato, but it's not gonna be very entertaining to walk place to place, clicking and reading. The alternative would require hours of resource manipulation...

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
There is such a thing as 'too open-ended'. I love this idea in theory; I'd love to see it kick butt in action. Except, if you're going to keep players entertained, then you're going to need to have some other system beyond random events. Not many people will want to play a game with no clear direction (despite everything being interactive, which is a quaint thing bound to become less attractive over time) unless there are goals--just like in real life. For example, you could have a wishing fountain that the player can throw money into every day--maybe you can have them pick a wish and it be granted at a later date (something to look forward to). Or you can let them develop a certain skill that will help them better perform at a tournament, or contest, etc (like people do in real life).

Basically, things that distract the player whilst they're waiting for the next random thing to happen. Lest they get tired of waiting.

Edit: I'm just gonna throw it out there too--this will be re-he-heeeeeally complicated to event and script together, if everything is interactive and you can do just about anything.

Here's my biggest question-- interactive 'how'? Do you mean when you click on something, you get a text pop-up describing what you do/it does? Because that's neato, but it's not gonna be very entertaining to walk place to place, clicking and reading. The alternative would require hours of resource manipulation...
I see your points and I am very pleased to here such a descriptive concern. Think of it like this. A lot of popular games that sink into people are games that offer a lot of variety but yet have a set path as you say.

The Elder Scrolls series, if you ever played them (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) give you this open world exploration type of game but yet still has story lines that you can follow up with. But they of course are not linear enough to stick only to the story line, along the way to the next mission or just wandering around you encounter lots of side quests and places and things and many more things you never existed only until you've been there. For all intensive purposes, I will use the open exploration of the world part that they do.

Tell Tale Games on the other hand, are linear which is an interesting thing to say that it will also be like contradicting the open world aspect from the Elder Scrolls examples. However only recently has a game like theirs been popular (maybe not popular popular but still known enough to know the name like the Wolf Among Us or their Walking Dead or now even their Minecraft Story Mode) because they offer a quick interactive "choose your side" kinda option that changes the outcome of your story line. If you choose to kill or leave someone behind, other people react to it later down the story line and you may end up regretting it. For all intensive purposes, I will use that aspect and put it into the game. The part where you will be forced to make quick acting decisions that can be a good or bad thing.

The Interactive part of the game as you are curious about will not be a simple pop up text, I find it hard to grab the audience's attention with text unless it's in short bursts and it's quick (like the Tell Tale Game part mentioned above). The interactive part will be just as I said, everything will be interactive, the people you meet, the things you find, the things you do. Let's say we go to your house in game. Everything you see in there from the couch to the table in your kitchen will be interactive. You'd be able to move your furniture around as you please and they will stay that way, you want to stack your dishes on top of each other, sure go ahead. You want to vacuum, sure why not. Kill mice you may find there that infest your house or even capture it instead. Train it to be a pet. You could sit on your couch, flip through all the TV shows and memes that will pop up. You want to play on the computer and post on replying to EraYachi, he most certainly will want a reply.

You're right. This will take a while to make. It will be complicated to make. That is why I will be releasing lots of updates for it. Lots of scripts will be made yes but this is a good thing, for MV being new, you want new types of scripts out there so that they may be used by other people. Modus Operandi will be a big game that will feature a lot of scripts and I will be doing my part to organizing all of it and getting them to work properly with each other. Collaborations are also highly welcomed as the more help this game gets, the benefits of lots of new scripts will be made as well as a fun game will be made for everyone. And don't worry, as interactive, big and open-worlded this game will be, there will be set story lines to keep the player occupied if they don't feel like wandering aimlessly everywhere.

Thank you for your thoughts. Please let me know if you have any more questions or comments.
Very Respectfully,

Edit: P.S. Besides, what better way to push MVs limitations then a really big complicated game? ;) Gotta see how it performs.

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Demo Delayed Due To Loss Of Content! Christmas break I went to Florida and i brought my laptop with me. Coming back to Japan, it stopped working. Whatever TSA did, it ruined my laptop and of course everything RMMV related. I do apologize, I should've just left my laptop in Japan. Fear not! I will not stop at this!

There was a legit demo for this too! :C